Pandora's box

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Deep under the irradiated surface of Krieg where the cold touch of nuclear fallout couldn't reach what was left of life on the decimated planet, a mysterious gate opens up on the small streets of the under hive. Ancient warriors appear waving flags foreign to the denizens of the hive. Legate Tiber doesn't know it yet but he has started a war of annihilation so large that his world is doomed.

"Glory to the Empire! These savages seem to be easy pickings." The legate shouts.

The citizens of Krieg seem to be fighting back with or without weapons. But the organization of the Saderan soldiers carried them in this battle. However this would soon change for they have kicked the hornets nest, and this would make the armies of Krieg hungry for blood.

"Sir, the savages are offering a stiff resistance more than anticipated, we have only captured a dozen alive." A young Centurion says to Tiber.

"Damn. Their will still be plenty of land further outward, we can fix this."

A loud shriek is heard, to loud to be human or beast. BOOM a group of Legionaries melt as a strike of thunder hits the ground. The armies of Krieg have arrived, Booms start hitting groups of Saderan soldiers everywhere. Xeno or human, the bombardment had no discrimination. Legate Tiber started to worry. He still had plenty of soldiers. Then the thundering of hooves started to make itself known.

"A bold move sending in the Cavalry this early! Send our Cavalry to counter them, NOW!" Tiber orders.

Immediately Legionaries begin scrambling to meet the defenders in open battle, but when to many group up they are blown up by some unknown magic. The Death riders crashed into any one stupid or brave enough to be out in the open. The Saderan cavalry started rushed them but was blown apart before they could even get close to them. Then the infantry came, their lasguns melting through the obsolete iron shields of the enemy soldiers. Large flying beasts starting recoiled towards the Krieg soldiers, killing a few before being gunned down by advancing Chimera's the loud clapping of Anti-personal and Las Cannon's gunning down the rear guard of the Legion

The organized retreat started becoming more and more chaotic, the Legate could barely keep control of his men. It was only a matter of minutes before the Saderan hauled out of the area. Some of the encircled legionaries began to drop their weapons and throw their hands up in the air. They were lined up some Xenos attempted to surrender as well.

"Do we take Xeno prisoners, Watch Master?" A Krieg Conscript asks.

"No." The watch master melts the head of the Ork looking creature off, the las fire turned his upper torso into a bloody mess. It's intestines hanging out of his body. The heap of melted flesh dropped to the ground. The rest of the Watch masters followed their example killing all the Xeno filth. Some of the humans were spared, with some being beat to death or shot by firing lines. 

Then the digging began, they were waiting orders to advance on the gate. The 30 feet between the gate and the trenches began a killing field that would make it virtually impossible to get threw with any conventional means. 

It took a few days for Inquistors and members of the Adeptus Mechanicus to start 'interrogating' and examining the strange portal. They deemed it safe and sent a few men on the other side who reported green fields and a hill. The Adeptus Mechanicus took particular interest in the Wyvern scales. Las Gun resistant and hard, and the Inquisition took their fancy in the new type of Xeno's and portal. The order to advance was seeming more and more likely to happen then for them to just destroy the portal. 

Colonel Miller and the 45th Siege Regiment would be tasked with the conquering of the new Special region. The Inquisition made sure that he knew he would be reporting all new events to them, other than that he has full autonomy, the Mechanicus even gave a task force with a few Knight Paladins joining the frey.

Upon the order, the task force marching into the gate. With the intent of bringing death and so the Death Korp fought there

Authors note: Short but sweet I think. Might be the first and only chapter if not enough people get to view this. Or I could just put this on Hiatus until I finish over the hills and far away. Anyway be sure to comment lore, grammar, or just general criticisms. Otherwise get ready for death.

Gate x 40k: Thus the war of annihilation was fought thereWhere stories live. Discover now