Staying on the Offensive

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Fel slid into a stone fence that sat a few yards away from a village. Dylan looked through his binoculars, O-Seven beside him with a anti-material rifle. Flare was counting his Las and Det packs. They were peaking over the stone fence slightly. As to not be seen. O-Seven was aiming at a Apollyon in a cloak, she was trying to hide her identity. They had marched for a few days straight. They were exhausted but had enough energy to kill a heretic. Dylan eyed her like a cat ready to pounce on its prey. 

"Seven degrees to the right. Put a round in her." He whispered to O-Seven

0-Seven simply gave quick nod, breathing in his gasmask and gently squeezing the trigger. The end of his barrel lit up the surrounding area for a brief second. Before whizzing by hundreds of feet. Apollyon narrowly dodged the bullet. However it whizzed by her going through and destroying a support to a cabin. The cabin fell over, splinters flying everywhere as a result. It didn't take long for Dylan to register she had survived. Encountering a few loyal villagers, but the fireteam made short work of them.

"Surround her, fast!" Dylan commanded his fireteam.

The fireteam quickly vaulted over the stone fence hastily closing the distance between Apollyon and them. Before she knew it she was being confronted by the Kriegsmen. A brief silence fell on, the trench coats of the fireteam fluttering in the wind and glare of gasmasks shining into Apollyon's eyes.

"Surrender or die, this is one of your best chances at surviving this." Dylan broke the silence.

"I never asked your name, who ever you are." Apollyon stated, looking around at the identical masked men.

"Its Dylan, Sergeant Dylan." Dylan said eagerly. He had wanted to say that all his life

"Well Sergeant, it seems I'm cornered. What will I ever do." Apollyon said sarcastically.

"Last chance, surrender or die." Dylan yelled again.

Apollyon sighed. Then blitzed Dylan.

"Waste her." Fel shouted.

O-Seven was the first to fire, the shot was so quick up close that Apollyon couldn't dodge it. cleavingher arm off. Las flew by her head, the Kriegsmen aim was dead on but her reflexes where to great. She was upon Dylan like a lighting bolt. She gave a quick double jab to his breastplate. The armor absorbed most of the punch. But the explosive force of the punch sent Dylan back a few feet into the building. Fel began to run over.

"SARGE?!" Fel desperately said as he sprinted over.

"Lets kill this heretical bitch." Flare commanded.

Quickly O-Seven lined up his shot, but the rope dart came around with great force knocking both O-Seven and Flares weapons out of their hands. She rushed them with great fury. Luckily for them a few well placed shots from Fel who was standing at Dylans side made her start retreating. She grabbed the arm that was shot off and began to flee. O-Seven unslung his Lasgun and began trying to chase her. But she was to quick, she disappeared hastily. But she let out a few words that made Dylan Furious


Dylan was still recovering from the impact, but he determined to himself he was alright. But the breastplate of his Flak armor had a slight crack in it. 

"EMPEROR DAMN IT ALL!" He slammed his fists against the dirt.

"Language." Flare said jokingly.


The streets were dark and cold

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The streets were dark and cold. the first snowfall had set in. The battalion was torching a village. Callahan was on a hill overseeing the slaughter from a distance. He saw what seemed to be a Sergeant walking down a line of tied down mages and shooting them twice in the head. While a long line of villagers were being marched out of the village by a platoon of Kriegsmen. The local shrine was the only thing standing but not for long. A Krieg Lieutenant had surrounded the entire shrine with Det-packs.

"Lieutenant, the demolition charges have been set." The private reported.

"Good. EVERYONE STAND BACK!" The lieutenant shouted. 

His finger gently pressed the button, but the explosion wasn't gentle at all. It rocked the ground. Terrifying the villagers. Debris flew everywhere. The thick smog of crushed stone filled the lungs of all those without gasmasks. Meanwhile the platoon escorting a few hundred villagers were lined up. A Krieg private put a tall box In front of the lines. Captain McKnight stepped forward unto the box.

"By the mercy of the Emperor, all those who choose his light are to be spared and sent to the adamantium mines near Alnus Hill. However you must abandon your pagan ways and convert to the Emperors light. If you wish to do this step over to my right, if you don't step over to the left" McKnight commanded,

The villagers hesitated for a minute, talking to their families.

"Father you must come with us. We need you!" A child said to his father. 

"Honey, even if we must betray our values we must survive. They will kill you!" The mother let in.

"I know. but I cant betray the gods now. If I do that I will be no better then them." He said as he began stepping over to the left side.

He was the only one on the left side. Everyone else was on the right side. Choosing to side with life over death. After all these men were strong enough to take on the Apostle's. Callahan still watching on a distant hill was looking anxiously on what was going to happen next. It was interesting even though he knew he was going to die. The entire left side was empty, but the father stood proud. The only thing keeping him company was the two Kriegsmen making sure no one escaped the left side.

McKnight nodded to a Corporal. The Corporal knew exactly what this gesture meant. He walked up to the lone brave man unsligned his Lasgun and shot the man at point blank range. The small child broke through the line of Kriegsmen restraining those who chose McKnight's right, rushing quickly to his fathers right.

"FATHER NO!" Tears slid down his face. He was wailing .

The Corporal looked at the child and looked at McKnight in confusion. She pointed him back to the line, but still the child didn't listen. So the Corporal grabbed the Child hand and dragged him back kicking and screaming back to his mother. With that the Company of Soldiers returned back to their battalion to give a full report on the incident. This had been the same fate of hundred of villages around Rondel. Mages and Priests being executed, and Hundreds if not thousands of villagers being sent to forced labor camps. Such was the fate of all those who opposed the Emperor

Authors note; Be sure to comment your predictions for what's gonna happen next, Suggestions and Grammatical errors. Favorite but I like Comments a lot more, especially funny ones and people analyzing the chapter. Have a nice day, and thank your for reading 

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