Divine Mandate

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"They are making complete fools out of us!" Emroy shouted.

"They effectively made my apostle into a walking burn victim." She argued.

"Well their isn't much we can about it anyway, so just keep your followers away from them." Elange stated calmly.

"So we are to cower before these mortals?" Duncan asked.

"No but we should at least go forward with a tint of caution, if the Saderans didn't just rush into the gate we wouldn't have this problem." Elange answered trying to mediate.

"They are bringing the word of a new god into our land, this could have diastrous effects if we allow this to continue." Zufmuut cut in.

"Emroy you are the one who let this war happen in the first place you should be the one to fix it." Duncan angrily declared.

"Now, now. We all decided opening the gate would be fun to see what happened, to bad it backfired. Its almost like I was telling you this was going to happen." Elange raised his voice.

"Fine, fine. We are just going to have to start thinking with our heads instead of the conventional route which is just ordering our followers to kill it." Emroy ordered. It even earned a few laughs in the heavens.


"Watch your flanks, they may be primitive but they aren't completely fucking stupid."  A sergeant shouted to his squad.

His squad consisting of around fifteen men looked at the trees, they were deep in the forests of the Elbe Fiefdom. The sergeant made sure to keep his Vox caster in the middle, but enemy skirmishers were starting to get smarter. They were learning that the Vox Caster was what called steel rain on their comrades. When all of a sudden, a spear came from the forest. More Guerilla fighters, the spear impaled the Voxman, and his caster. 

"Stubbers hit the dirt now and make sure your loaders are alive. Infantry protect the Stubbers and funnel the idiots who decided to attack into the Heavy Stubber fire!" The sergeant shouted orders at his squad."

The squad starting getting into the formation that the sergeant described, but then a bolt of lighting came from the thick tree lines. Killing both of the Heavy Stubbers. Sporadic Las and Autogun fire came was unleashed into the trees. Then a full company of Militamen charged them, the first wave was easily cut down. The next a few feet away from the Kriegsmen, one after another the Kriegsmen began getting into a tighter and tighter circle. Those unwilling to retreat being cut down by swords and spears. Eventually it was down to six guardsmen and the sergeant. The sergeant gritted his teeth and grabbed a heavy stubber from a corpse and started firing it from his hip, mowing the heretical bastards down on masse.


Eventually the guerillas retreated into the forest, covered by smoke by what the rest of the squad presumed to be pyskers. The sergeant finally dropped the heavy stubber. They had gotten about fifty guerillas for eleven guardsmen.

"Are you alright Sergeant Dylan?" A guardsmen asked his NCO, still keeping his lasgun raised at the forest.

"Yeah. Though commands gonna be pissed that the whole platoon was wiped out, the Lieutenant was being rash in his decision to take the area through the mountains to reach the objective. DAMN! We lost Sixty-three men just to get nowhere. Lets exfil, and bug out."

The squad... no the fireteam of five guardsmen started making the trip back to FOB in Elbe, stepping over bodies with weird religious tattoos and markings, that they recognized as heretical otherworldly pagan religion.


A guardsmen barged into Callahan's quarters were he was interrogating Pina and Hamilton for more information about the Empire. They looked at the guardsmen with surprise. Pina thought it was maybe some sort of Imperial force come to rescue them, though it would probably do them no good.

"Sir!" The Guardsmen clicked his heels and saluted the Lieutenant.

"At ease, what's going on?" Callahan said.

"Their is a protest in the street, they are demanding to know why we assaults multiple shrines to their heretical idols." The guardsmen reported.

Callahan got up and pulled the bolt back on his bolt pistol as to put one in the chamber. Then checked his sword.

"Lieutenant what are you doing?" Pina asked with worry in her voice

"Killing the lot of heretics outside Imperial property. Why, would you like to join me Princess?"

"..." Pina was completely stunned at what Callahan just said, the Empire has used Military force to put down riots but she never heard that the intent to kill was so easily thrown around. 

Hamilton interrupted the awkward silence "Lieutenant, what if we can get them to stop protesting. Would you still massacre them?" Callahan looked at the young girl and cocked his head. He had never heard her speak before.

"Mmm I might let them live." 

"Me and her highness can do it, as long as you spare them." Pina looked at Hamilton with suprise, tact was unusual for her.

"Fine do it, but if it turns into a riot and they try to storm our position they will die." Callahan sat back down.

Pina and Hamilton nodded, then left.

Callahan turned to Tullin. "Get a guardsmen to follow them, and make sure they dont get themselves killed. One way or another." Tullin nodded and ordered a Kriegsmen to shadow the female knights.

Pina opened the doors to the mansion and quickly marched down the marble steps. The crowd outside the gate becoming fixed on the royalty that saved them from the bandits. They became rowdier. 

"PRINCESS WE HAVE COME TO RESCUE YOU!" Some shouted, others just wanted to join in on the fun of storming a nobles home.

"My fair people, You need to leave. The Kriegsmen are showing you uncharacteristic hospitality. Your behavior will turn Italica into a third Alnus Hill incident! I need you to leave before they decide to crack down!" Princess Pina shouted. 

All of a sudden a man in a cloak with the coat of arms of the Church of Emroy leapt over the fence and dashed towards her position. Pina and Hamilton drew their swords. Kriegsmen began running towards her, they couldn't risk blowing the Princesses head off with a stray las. Pina prepared for the worst, as the man with a dagger rushed towards them with the speed and velocity of a horse. If nothing was done fast, someone was going to die.

Authors note; Shout out to @gama71 for literally guessing what I was going to write next, I was in the middle of writing this and I see the notification lmao. Please comment favorite as they keep me going in these trying times, they also help get Chapters out faster ;). Be sure to follow and check out my other works.

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