The Right to Rule

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A large crowd had assembled in the throne room of Countess Myui's manor. A few Adeptus Minustorum priests stood at the foot of the steps, Countess Myui was lead in by a few Kriegsmen. towards the foot of the steps. One of the Priests had an Aquila in his right hand and a sword in his left. She knelt before the Priest.

"Do you vow to serve the Emperor until your last undying breath. In times of hardship and joy. Life and Death. War or Peace. To be his sword, to govern him subjects with fairness and justness and to reject all Xeno and Heretical philosophy from yourself and your land?" The priest says mundanely. 

"I do." Myui states simply.

"Rise." He walks out of the way allowing her to climb the steps to a throne towards Callahan who was beside it with a few officers, and even an inquisitor watching carefully at everything she does.

Myui's servants bowed and even a few Citizens that were allowed to attend. But everyone else stood, thinking strangely at the gesture. Her servants were barely even allowed to live let alone serve the Imperium. But the Inquisitor liked catgirls so he allowed it for some reason. Applause began to erupt from the crowd mostly comprising of Kriegsmen. A banner bearing an Aquilla was unfurled. The Aquilla above the throne. Kriegsmen saluted it. After a few seconds of saluting and applause it began to die down. The Inquisitor left after getting a status report from Callahan, not before shooting a wink at a catgirl.

Hours passed, Myui, her Servants, and Callahan were the only ones in the room. Callahan paced back and forth.

"Good choice Countess, im glad you decided to choose servitude to the Emperor than annihilation. Something very wise despite you being your age." Callahan said.

"Well Major, you didn't give me much of a choice after saving our city, to only enslave it." She said with a smile.

"Better then burning to death my lady!" The tension in the room was almost palpable. Any action could set off a blood bath in the city on Myui's part, but still she chose to snark back at him as any way to resist. She looked him into the eyes of his mask, the void stared back. So black they reflected her face off of it.

"Major Callahan, would you like any tea?" Kaine asked as to cut the tension.

"Please and, Thank you." Callahan thanked.

Kaine nodded at Manima and Mohmu. Who nodded and left the room.

He sat down on the ground, the opposite side of the room from Myui.

"Send for Corporal Jenkins and Sergeant Aurelius." He looked at Persia.

"Yes milord." She nodded in obedience and left the room to fetch the men Callahan requested.


Princess Pina sat in a chair her hands on her face. Hamilton and Beefeater were arguing over the next course of action. The room was empty except their arguing. 

"No, we cant we must fight our way out of here. Even if it means death! We must make sure the Princess doesn't remain in this weird limbo of Captivity." Beefeater ached

"We can slip away when Callahan army starts to move again. Its the safest option." Hamilton argued. 

"How many times do I have to say, they can still catch us in the open with those machines. Even at top speeds on horse!" Beefeater retorted

"They can just mow us down with their machines to-" Hamilton was interrupted

"We are going to have to work with them." Pina finally realized

Both Hamilton and Beefeater looked at her with confusion.

"It is the only way to preserve any semblance of the Empire, Callahan offered if I rebelled against my family, I would guarantee the welfare of the realm. Or else they would just give this so called Miller all the power." She stood up.

"Don't you get it, they are going to kill anyone they don't like, or look like them. Its foolish to resist, they just have so much fucking power for only a few thousand men. Their have been shitty warbands bigger." Pina explained further.

"So how are going to do this My lady?" Beefeater asked.

"Yeah, rebelling against the Empire. That's a monumental task of its own." Hamilton cut in.

"We are going to need to rally to dis-loyal senators as pawns, and use the Kriegsmen as the main driving force. We only need to make Callahan think we have started a major rebellion against the Empire. But for now we need to talk to Callahan, he holds tremendous power over Falmart for some reason we need to find out why and see if we can exploit him."


"So you are telling me Sergeant that your whole Platoon was wiped out aside from you and a few Guardsmen? Mmm that is quite unfortunate, these savages are making the Lieutenant Colonel look like an utter fool. We have burned so many villages and they still fight in these fucking hills. If it weren't for the Mechancius we would have burned this forest down." The Kriegsmen that is writing things down a cogitator sighed heavily.

"Well sir, what is my new assignment?" Dylan asked

"Well Sergeant 9469-0420-3123 their is another Apostle advising the rebel force in the mountains we are trying to take. You and your Fireteam are going to have to find some way to take him out of the game permanently. Five men should be enough, you don't need to be moving fast. Just keep a low profile."

"Is their any more information on where she is at." Dylan asked bluntly

"No." The clerk shot back.

Dylan clicked his heel gave a salute, and turned around to his bloodied men, some took the opportunity to rest. Others cleaned their weapons and equipment. Dylan had been given full access to the armory for this one, and he enjoyed a good hunt every once in a while.

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