Getting out of Dodge

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Authors note; Be sure to follow, Favorite and COMMENT criticism and other opinions. Grammar mistakes be sure to comment those as well. What do you think of this Chapter is it good, or is the writing getting worse?

The room was empty, Aurelius tiptoed through the cold cobblestone floors. He carefully looked around the empty rooms in the house. The rest of the Company finally caught up to Aurelius. Callahan entered the building looking around.

"Is it clear?" Callahan asked.

"Yes sir, no hostiles inside this building as far as I know." Aurelius responded promptly.

"Okay it looks like the box wont fit through the doorway. TULLIN GET AN ENGINEER IN HERE!"

The young vox operator nodded in acknowledgment going to grab a Engineer from the fighting. Tullin came back after a few minutes with another Kriegsmen. The Engineer jogged up to Callahan.

"Dont worry sir the Engineer is Engi-here" The engineer said jokingly.

"We need a controlled demolition of this wall, we cant fit the box through it. And we need it done fast. The fighting seems to be getting closer and closer-"

Suddenly a large explosion blasted through the wall, knocking everyone in the building back. The Kriegsmen outside began unloading their weapons into a mage dodging or blocking all their attacks. The shooting stopped once she dived behind a stone pillar.

"Fuck. Is everyone okay?" Callahan asked.

A dozen acknowledgments of Kriegsmen came from the rubble. Everyone seemed to be okay other than a few flesh wounds and cuts. The platoon outside the former house began to back up to protect Callahan and the objective.

"Sir are you okay." A Sergeant asked

"Yeah, we need to get this package out. Just keep the fucker that exploded the wall pinned down." Callahan ordered as he turned to Tullin.

"Please radio Exfil and tell them to hurry up. And tell all platoons to start falling back. 3rd Platoon is to form a rearguard on my Command." Callahan commanded.

Tullin nodded in acknowledgment, and started transmitting orders to all of the Company.

"Sir, 4th and 7th Squads are reporting heavy casualties. They are being over ran with Pyskers." Tullin informed

"Ughh, Tell them to retreat to 3rd Platoon and Det pack the area before you retreat. Get 1st Squad to cover them with Bolter fire as they mine the area. We are going to light the district up like Emperor's day." Callahan commanded

Tullin simply nodded and began transmitting Callahan's orders with his gas mask lenses fogging from the sweat and stress. Callahan began hearing a horn, it was the signal from the Transport truck. He turned to the stone Pillar where the Enemy mage was pinned down at. The Platoon that was assigned to protect the objective had him surrounded. But Callahan didnt want a enemy combatant so close to the objective during Exfil. So he grabbed a Tread Feather off the back of one of a AT Guardsmen. Aimed it at the stone pillar, and pulled the trigger. The rocket shot with the speed of Jahagatai Khan. It slammed into the pillar, sending small little white chunks of rubble everywhere. The pillar collapsed the ruins of a building that had been warped in the fighting. The mage survived, he rapidly got ground under his feet in his escape. 

"Sir should we pursue?" The Lieutenant who commanded the platoon asked.

"No, the transport is here. We need to get out of dodge." Callahan answered

The transport climbed the rubble that the battle had caused. Hundreds of homes, businesses, and temples were damaged in the fighting making it hard for some the transport around. but once it arrived it was covered in blood. A squad began to load a very heavy crate into the transport and got inside the truck. Callahan nodded to Tullin who began to enact the rearguard. Hundreds of Kriegsmen began to start running past the transport being loaded. But finally the transport finally got moving, getting ground before the enemy could catch up to them.

Explosions where blowing the Research district to high hell. The Det packs where being set off, that would buy 3rd Platoon some time. They were no doubt already forming a defensive position at the Eastern gate. Once the package got out of the city, everyone could finally retreat out of this heretical city. The transport finally arrived at the Eastern gate of the city, where the 3rd Platoon was already encountering resistance. The truck rushed by them, crossing the bridge towards the siege camp. 3rd platoon falling back, but giving a fighting retreat as to not be followed.

As Clutch and Avery drove through the Eastern Gate. Avery rolled down the window and gave a middle finger to Rondel.



The rope dart came through the door with the speed of a bullet. It grazed Dylans helmet, but before the unknown apostle was able to get the rope dart back to her person Fel grabbed it and yanked it. The force of this broke the laws of physics and a apostle with golden hair fell from the second story of the barkeep. A crowd of loyal supporters of the gods gathered around the apostle as she was getting up. The fireteam rushed down the stairs with unperilled speed to confront the Apostle.

The small fireteam bursted through the wooden door, they watched the Apostle intently. The golden haired apostle finally spoke up.

"I am the Apostle Apollyon of Palapon, God of Revenge I have come here to avenge the heinous acts you have committed against this world." She shouted.

"The god you serve is a false one." Dylan stated.

"How do you explain, my immortality and my regeneration then?" She argued.

Dylan looked at the ground a bit... Was she making him question his faith in the Emperor? Surely he wasn't questioning it. No, the Emperor was immortal to. He was infinitely times powerful then her and with their equipment they were to. The slaughter of his Platoon couldn't be pardoned. He was going to kill her.

"Hello is anyone there? Are you doubting your faith?" Apollyon asked

"Take her." Dylan commanded

Fel, O-Seven, and Flare moved forward slowly, then started running at her with their bayonets. They wanted her alive if possible. The apostle began dodging their attacks, they were to slow for her reflexes. But her Rope dart wasn't to fast either for them to block or even grab it and pull her forward. Apollyon finally landed a punch on O-Seven, he went flying towards Dylan. The strength she possesses was inhuman. O-Seven, shook his head.

"Seven, are you alright?" Dylan asked

He nodded and got back up to face her but Dylan held out his hand to stop him. Dylan unhooked his Las-Pistol and placed a few well shots. Apollyon was able to dodge them before one hit her in the arm blowing it off. The fireteam began chasing after her, she was to fast. She B-lined for the forest. She had slipped out of the grasp of the Fireteam. The hunt for a Demi-god was resume again.

"We will find her eventually, but for now we will set up Camp here." Dylan finally said the magic words after days of marching and tracking.

O-Seven the mute was cleaning his Lasgun. Flare was mining the area around the camp with IEDs and Detpacks, Fel was reading a book about standard Imperial Medical procedures and Dylan was drifting off to sleep. The fireteam might have been exhausted but morale was high and this was sure better then killing some peasants in the country side. The party drifted off to sleep. Well everyone except Flare, he had the duty of watching the camp while everyone sleeped.

Authors note 2; How do you like the Fireteam, a new cast of characters I decided to start introducing a few new characters so it just isnt on the war all the time.

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