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Alnus was in sight. Callahan's brigade was close to Millers. Miller had betrayed the trust of everyone in the brigade by siding with a corrupted inquisitor. What Callahan didn't expect was for the Inquisition upper bureaucracy to grant him permission to execute Miller. But none the less they trudged on. 

Alnus was effectively a super fortress. It had enough firepower to fight off three Imperial Knights. If it wasn't for Loyalist forces of Krieg Soldiers just letting them walk in. They couldn't have taken it. Most of Callahans brigade went to their  bunks. They were tired of sleeping in tents for around 6 months, a bed not even a comfortable one was desired by many. But 1st Company followed Callahan, instead of branching off.

 But 1st Company followed Callahan, instead of branching off

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It appears they were heading towards the Command center. A small squad of men was guarding the Command center. Their demeanor was strange that of civilians not soldiers. Callahan and the company approached the entrance. The squad of men guarding the door blocked the entry way.

"Oi, aint no one allowed through here unless the Mill- I mean the Colonel say's so." The leading guardsman said.

"Step aside Sergeant." Callahan ordered.

"Hahahah, you hear that boys. This idiot just comma-." 

Callahan put his hand on the Sergeants throat and lifted him up. He was incredibly heavy and Callahan's arm was shaking from the weight. But the display non the less impressed both the Guards and the company. The Sergeant began gurgling.

"Execute him, and arrest the rest."  Callahan commanded.

Before the guards could fight back, a few Guardsmen shoved the stocks of their lasguns into the stomachs of the guards and held them at gunpoint. McKnight pulled out her Lasgun and executed the Sergeant. The rest proceeded inside the Command Center with their Lieutenant Colonel, a few onlookers began to gather around curious as to what was happening. The area around the command center became rowdy with the disapproval of the Callahan. However most of the detachment with Callahan couldn't blame them, they were breaking into a command center and just executed a Sergeant with zero paperwork, that was a code ZZ214. Though Callahan entered the Commander Center mostly unopposed. He entered the main chamber. Their sat Colonel Miller, the Commissar, a bunch of his goons and a strange robed figure. Millers, men including McKnight entered and readied their weapons towards them.

"Well, well, well Lieutenant Colonel Callahan. I have been expecting you. If your looking for the Obelisk its behind us."

Callahan gripped his bolter tightly and gritted his teeth under his gasmask.

"Two questions, answer them." Callahan Commanded.

"Go ahead boy, ask your silly questions. They are beneath us." Miller boasted.

"What does it do, and why did you do it?" Callahan asked.

"This object will allow us to become gods. Why did I betray a dying Imperium who conscripted me and many like me, threw us at unconquerable battles and enemies just for us to do it again and make Zero fucking progress? I don't know Callahan, it seems pretty fucking obvious to me you shit stain."

"Now, back to business. Surrender or die Colonel, you are under arrest for heresy." Callahan ordered.

The heretics drew their guns to match the loyalists. Miller himself getting up out of his chair to ready himself for a fight.

"We both know neither one of us can back down." Miller sighed.

A las from Millers las pistol lit up the dimly lit command center, the obelisk behind him glowing with a bright green light. The Las from Miller was heading straight for McKnight. Thinking fast Callahan pushed McKnight to the side pushing her to cover, unfortunately his hand was not so lucky. It blew it off. Callahan ducked behind a desk, while his men engaged Miller and his goons. He screamed in pain. McKnight quickly crawled over to dress the wound. 

"Ere' let me see it Sir." McKnight shouted over the gunfire.

"Fuck it hurts, what is the situation of our catfight with those fuckers?" Callahan asked.

After putting a tourniquet on Callahan's arm McKnight peaked over the desk and looked around before swiftly pulling her head down to report the positions. 

"Three guarding the left, we have only one guy left fighting them. The rest of our men are on the right side. About ten of them right. to match our ten, and Miller is with some guy in a robe, a commissar and a two goons." McKnight reported.

"Where is my Chainsword?" Callahan asked.

"I don't know sir." McKnight answered.

"Okay. here is the plan, give me some cover fire. I'm gonna fucking head left then sweep right. Good to go?" Callahan asked.

"Good to go sir." McKnight readied her Sword and Laspistol.

"Go." Callahan shouted.

He ran from cover to cover, quickly reuniting with his guardsmen on the left. then moving forward past them. The goons started noticing what he was doing, and began focusing their fire on the steel pillar he was using for cover. He laid his bolter down and grabbed a flashbang out of his satchel throwing it at the three traitor guards at a position of sandbags. This gave him an opening he moved fast and hard running and gunning towards Millers position. A few traitors fell to their knees blood pouring down to the ground. The blight red blood screamed in the dark command center from the light of the cogitators and the obelisk. All of a sudden a rope dart came swinging towards Callahan, he managed to dodge it. But it knocked the bolter out of his hand. A bright blonde haired girl stepped forward dropping her robe on the floor.

"I am Apollyon, servant of the God of Revenge Palapon. I have nothing more to say but DIE!" She shouted. 

The rope dart grazed Callahan's helmet. Sparks flared up from it. Callahan ran towards her but she pushed him away a few feet with her super strength. The blood loss was starting to get to him. He dodged a flurry of her attacks with a rope darts. Many of them cutting Callahan. Callahan was caught of guard when Apollyon punch sent him flying back into a cogitator, he was using the desk it was being held on as a support. Apollyon walked closer swinging he rope dart like a toy.

"Where is your god now?" She taunted.

Callahan unbuckled his spade from his trench coats belt. 

"Oh holy God Emperor of Mankind, the only true God. Give me your blessing, give me a fraction of your strength to defeat this bitch." Callahan whispered.

His eyes sharpened with rage, and determination. His spade even began to turn gold with a bright aura of golden light surrounding it. Callahan charged again. dodging a rope dart and a punch from the Apostle. Cutting her hand off. She laughed as she thought she would merely regenerate. But to her horror her hand would not grow back, Callahan charged again cutting into her torso. She collapsed coughing up and gurgling on her own blood. Begging to be spared but another Rip of her guts from the shovel did not show any mercy. He looked at the Traitor Commissar with murderous intent. He quickly unbuckled his sidearm from its holster giving a swift shot from the Bolter. Callahan moved the Spade infront of the bullet with lighting fast reflexes. Then cuttings into the Commissars neck finishing him off with a blunt force blow. 

Miller turned to face him a Autogun loaded and ready, but instead of firing he fell in a pool of his own blood, McKnight standing over him her bayonet in his back. Upon seeing their boss dying the remaining five traitors either tried to flee or surrendered. But with that Callahan's world went black, and out of the black came gold and a booming voice.

"Well done my good and faithful servant... I have one last task for you. To kill gods."Z

Authors note: And with that the story ends, maybe a little prematurely but I enjoyed writing it. With the stories of the Fireteam, Callahan and his men. Tell me what you thought of it, might do a rewrite but I doubt it. Be sure to read my other books.

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