Baptized by Fire

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"Private, get me my Vox Caster now, we have a problem." The Watchmaster stated

"Yes Watchmaster!" The private scrambled to the front of the convoy.

The Watchmaster grabbed a the receiver off of the private and started blaring information to the Lieutenant. "Lieutenant, we have what appears to be an armed twelve year old. She is carrying a halberd that looks to be twice her size."

The vox caster finally blared back after a few seconds of waiting for a response. "Take the weapon, proceed with caution. If she causes trouble just terminate her." 

"Yes sir."  He put the receiver back on the privates vox caster. He waved to two men.

"Jenkins, Aurelius. Disarm that kid, and bring her to me, proceed with caution."

"Yes Watchmaster." The pair said in sync. 

Jenknins and Aurelius approached the girl with casual walking, they both thought a twelve year old was no threat. To be honest, the Watchmaster thought it as well. "Okay kid, your going to need to drop that for me would you?" 

A Childs voice echoed back. "No I will not."

Jenkins and Aurelius looked at each other and scratched their helmets. "Uhh why not, Ill give you some candy if you do, we will also get you out of that ridiculous get up." They looked her up and down. What kind of sick person would make a twelve year old wear that?

The child scoffed. "You dare mock the apostle of emroy, Goddess of murder, war and darkness? I could kill your entire-"

A flash of light came from Jenkins, it blew the 'Apostle of Emroys' head clean off. Jenkins had drawn his Las-Pistol. The pair laughed and began walking back. They reached the convoy which 30 yards away. 

"We got her sir, she was spewing some heretical nonsense." Aurelius said. But one of the Villagers interrupted them.


The Kriegsmen began laughed at the absurd statement but then, a guardsmen pointed out how her body was reattaching her head. 

"Well fuck, Private vox for backup. Lets kill this bitch." The Watchmaster ordered.

The vanguard of the convoy began surrounding her body, as she slowly began walking towards the convoy again.

"I'm immortal, you cant kill me. I will just regenerate. But you did have a interesting way of doing it. HAHA. Now prepare to face the Gods." She charged. She dodged the first few autogun bullets and Las beams. But one found their way to her leg. But not before the halberd found its way into the Watchmasters head, making it a bloody fountain. Though she just reattached her leg and started regenerating. The fire stopped. The Lieutenant was walking to the front of the convoy with a platoon of men. He approached Rory.

"Whats your name." He said to the twelve year old that was still in the process of reattaching her leg

"Whats it to yo-" Callahan blew off her other leg with his bolt pistol, but instead of it being blown cleanly off. It erupted into gooey pieces.

"Its, Rory. Rory Mercury." Everytime she tried to do something with her legs or hands they were blown off by a guardsman. It became a fun game to them.

"Well Rory Mercury, looks like your not fast enough to dodge light, much less bullets. Now what should I do to you, I cant let you go free."

"Guess I will forever be a pain your side masked man. Im sure the other Apostles will give you harder times."

Callahan snapped his fingers. "A PROMETHIUM BATH!" He turned to his guardsmen. "Dig small hole as far you can." He motioned for most of his Guardsmen to go, a few stayed behind to shoot her limbs off every time they regenerated.

"So you plan of burned me alive. HAHAHA. When the flames go out Ill just regenerate and climb my way back to the top." 

"Not with promethium poisoning you wont, now you will be baptized in the Emperors flames." She began to realize how much of a dire circumstance she was in, maybe Emroy had Enlighted her of how screwed she was. She began to try and crawl away. But any sort of progress was meaningless. The guardsmen just began stabbing her with bayonets for fun. Oh god it was bloody. Callahan had never seen something spew this much blood. Villagers were hiding in fear. How could mortals do this to messengers of the Gods? 

"Sir the hole is finished." Aurelius stated, his uniform covered in sweat and mud.

Callahan clapped. "Throw her in." Her small body, and limbs were thrown into the deep hole.

"Now burn it." The guardsmen with the flamer shot hot promethium down the hole.

Hours after the convoy got moving again, the screams were still being heard. Some of the villagers cried. Others were angry. But they were helpless to do anything about. Otherwise they would suffer the same fate as Rory Mercury did. Maybe she would make it out one day regardless of the promethium poisoning constantly hampering her regenerations. 

The terrain started to look a whole lot different. Instead of grass it was desert. The Kriegsmen were sweating out of their minds. It was so hot they could probably grill on their Leman Russ. But a roar was heard something that shook the hearts of them. A flame dragon was spotted on the horizon, it was using the sun as a way to blind them.

"CONTACT! PREPARE FOR COMBAT, WE GOT A LIZARD TO KILL!" Callahan shouted through the Vox

 Authors note; About two other ways I could've dealt with Rory Mercury. I did some research on it and decided this was the best lore friendly I could do. Anyways the flame dragon should be easy to deal with especially with Bolters and the OP please nerf Leman russ. Especially with Chimeras and Taurox's. It kind of shows you how this Crossover is kind of of stupid, But I've gotten more attention just doing this than any of my other books which makes me sad. But whatever, I was hoping my Steel and Silver series would get some attention but only 2 people looked at it. Have a nice day!

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