Dragon Slayers

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Everyone was scrambling for cover, Callahan was screaming orders at the Leman Russ. The guardsmen with AT training, unslung their Achillian Missile Tubes off their backs. The Flame dragon was still out of range to shoot it, but if the guardsmen didn't act quickly enough a few wagons would burn up. Callahan took the sacrifice, but honestly was it even a sacrifice. The refugees weren't Imperial Citizens yet. 

"Azimuth 131, 70 Degrees. Load AT. FIRE!" The tank commander shouted to the crewmen of the Leman Russ.

The resulting impact smashed into the dragons skin, it cut- no hammered like a sledgehammer caving into a head. Its entire wing was blown off, it fell to the ground with a loud smack. The rest of the convoy began getting distance between them and the dragon.

Three Kriegsmen rushed the downed dragon and finally shot a volley of Rocket Tubes at the dragons head blowing it bluntly off. The dragon was dead. Callahan realized they could've stayed at the village and fought. But it Didn't matter anymore, and he was not escorting them all the way back to Coda.

"Lieutenant the Dragon is dead." A guardsmen reporting the situation to Callahan said

"Good, you are dismissed. Vox Alnus hill and inform the Mechancius that we have dealt with the dragon and samples for the creature are at our current location." He ordered Tullin

"Yes sir." He responded

Callahan got out of the Command Taurox and shot a red flare into the air to inform the Mechancius of his Location. Unlike them the Mechanicus had Fliers and would be their in a few short hours. The villagers were celebrating, and even some guardsmen started cheering. But Callahan had assembled his NCOs.

"This is where we depart from the Villagers, the village elder has informed me they are parting ways with us." He rolled out the map on the ground. "Our next stop is Italica, I had a quick word with the Ridemaster, it is apparently a very important city. With our Victory on the home world their shouldn't be anyone to defend the city, so we may take it intact for the Emperor."

"Any specific plans for taking it sir?" Aurelius asked.

"We should be able to just stroll in, Sergeant. As for a new formation we shall be taking, Jeknins Chimera shall be taking point with the Sergeant Majors Chimera as well." Callahan responded.

He turned to look at the Leman Russ commander. "As for Michael and the 'Dragon Slayers' I want them taking the back. Is that understood."

"Yes sir."

After the NCOs were dismissed they informed their squads of the Formation change and started burying the dead. No Kriegsmen died, just a few villagers and it was very few at that. Burying them was no time at all, since everyone was so accustomed to building trenches in ten minutes or even less. A few tears and a twenty one gun salute later, the convoy got moving again but this time instead of dozens of wagons. It was only motorized vehicles.

Then they came upon the sight of black smoke on the horizon. The Kriegsmen prepare for combat.


"NOW!" A pot of boiling hot oil splashed onto the attackers.

"Hamilton report." Princess Pina Co Lada shouted

"Alive and accounted for ma'am" Hamliton Uno Ror shouted

"What about me, you didn't even bother to ask me whether I was injured or not. It hurts my feelings."

"After all these years I knew you Would be alive Stone." He laughed obnoxiously

Princess Pina began walking toward the Countess's mansion when Hamilton asked a strange question. "Your majesty, why are we out here to fight a few blood thirsty and crazy bandits."

Pina turned around with a tint of anger in her voice. "We didn't have a choice, they raised the alarm letting everyone know their were armed forces trying to storm the walls. I thought it was the Army from the other world. We did what we were supposed to, rushed to their defense and what did we find. SOLDIERS FROM THE ALLIED KINGDOMS DESERTING! THREE DAYS IS ALL WE NEED, THEN THE REST OF MY PEOPLE WILL AVENGE YOUR COMRADES." She shouted as to try and give some of the Defenders hope.

Princess Pina had only began to sit down before her servants asked the same questions

"Your majesty with all due respect isn't their a way to end this without blood shed."

"Of course their is." She snapped back sarcastingly. "Open the gates let them shackle your men and children, and rape the women. Is that what you want?"

"Good heavens no, you speak facetiously."

"Of course I do, Im trying to make a point. I knew its not nothing nice to think about, but we cant lose now."

A maid brought some dull food and put in on the table.

"Hardly any taste, and unsatisfying." Pina stated

"Luxurious food could hamper your abilities your majesty."

"Oh you have dealt with this kind of thing before?" Pina asked 

"I used to live in Rosenburg, now a loyal part of the Empire." She said back sarcastically

"I'm going to rest in your guest bedroom, wake me if any important messages come. Oh and what will you do if I don't wake up." She smiled and said to the maid.

"I have a picture of cold water just in case the need arises." She smiles back.

She layed in the bed, thinking of the days when her order of the rose was still in training. She wanted her first battle to be glorious, but morale was getting low and their was little she could do. But then water splashed on her

"The enemy, they are here!" She shouted frantically

"Well not exactly...."


Kriegsmen stood at the ready, someone answered their calls to be let in at the gate. If they wouldn't let them in they just blow a hole in the gate. The Chimeras had guns with high enough caliber to do it on their own. All they awaited was the Order from Callahan, he didn't want to fight threw mobs of civilians to only gun them down. But if he had to he would. He was about to order them to blow through the gate. But a voice rang out.

"What is your purpose in Italica. Friend or Foe!"

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