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"Okay lieutenant, now that we fucked the shit out of their army. Now is the time we start pushing outwards. Your company will move towards a city called Italica. Easy pickings, After we secure it we are moving to the Imperial Capital. The rest doesn't matter." Colonel Miller lectured.

"What about the locals, will they be a problem?" Lieutenant Callahan asked

"Kill them if they get in the way, the rest will be subjects of the Imperium soon enough. Understood? Miller responded

"Aye sir."  Callahan saluted and turned around

Awaiting him outside was a company of men. Mostly consisting of quite a few Chimeras, a taurox, two rhinos, a Leman Russ and even an armored car. As soon as the Company saw the Lieutenant they clicked their hills and saluted. Callahan gave a half ass salute, and told them to mount up. The confused company found any sort of spot in the convoy. 

A few long hours of driving creeped by, the peasants they did pass were afraid and ran at the sight of the convoy. The treads and tires leaving deep imprints on the earth. Smoke was spotted on the horizon, upon further investigation a village burned to the ground was discovered. The kriegsmen didn't care about it. Burned villages were all to common in their line of work.

"Overlord, overlord. This is First Company, Fire-eater 1-1. Reporting burned village due North-west. How copy over?" Now newly promoted Master Sergeant Tullin reported over the radio. Some garbled transmission came back in acknowledgment of the information.

"Any survivors?" Lieutenant Callahan asked.

One of the Krieg guardsmen shook their heads, and kept looking through the wreckage. A few were standing guard near the well. 

"What do you think happened here, Scorched earth?" A muffled voice asked

"I doubt it, why would they burn their own subjects. They would at least have survivors. Kind of strange to me." 

He threw a bucket down the well, it made a cluck noise as if it hit something. The three Kriegers looked down the well, in disbelief. A survivor, they could hardly see it with the gas masks on and it being the late hours of the night. One of them told the others to get a flashlight. They shined a flashlight down the well.

"Sir, I think we have a survivor down here!" A kriegsmen shouted.

Callahan rushed over as to see what the fuss was about, he grabbed the flash light and looked down the well... pointy ears. Xeno.

"Eldar? TULLIN! radio command we have encountered a Xeno, an Eldar to be specific."  Callahan ordered.

Tullin relayed the Lieutenants message, and got a garbled response back. Tullin looked at Callahan and made a slitting throat gesture to his Commanding officer. Callahan was all to happy to oblige.

"Put a frag down there." A guardsmen pulled the pin on a fragmentation grenade and dropped in the well, after a fairly short pause a loud boom was heard. Some blood shot up from the well.

"Just another day for the Death Korps." Some guardsmen laughed at the joke, others remained silent. 

"Mount back up, I want to cover more ground before we make camp for the night." 1st Company hastily mounted back up and started making there way to another village. 

It was quite some time before the first company made it to another village, it was early morning. They passed a sign saying 'Coda Village' maybe this one wouldn't have dead bodies littering it. The convoy rushed towards it with thundering towards the village. Upon seeing the strange carriages the people of Coda village came out of their homes to watch the strange men interact with the locals and the area. Callahan looked around to see if anyone was in charge, then an elderly man with a red tunic came out to greet them. Callahan was the first to speak

"There was a burned village south of here, it appears to be burned to the ground... no survivors." Callahan reported.

The old man gave a look of terror and sorrow. "A flame dragon?" 

Callahan and Tullin looked at him with confusion "What's a dragon?"

The villagers gave him a strange look. "It's a big flying lizard that spews fire from its mouth. Very dangerous." 

Callahan turned around "Didn't we fight that back in the valley." One of Callahan's NCOs nodded. Callahan turned back around. "We can help you with your evacuation and your lizard problem. We will inform Command of the presence of these creatures."

Callahan waved a NCO over. "Collins, your squad is to help civilians get to move. We are evacuating the area. We might be able to use them as bait to lure a flying flamethrower out in the open." Collins nodded.

A few short hours of hard work and back breaking labor later, the entire village joined the Kriegsmen into a convoy. They informed command of the existence of the Dragon, as a result they dispatched a Knight Paladin to the area, though 1st Company was confident that they could take such a creature.

"Tullin what's the status on the evacuation." Callahan voxed 

"Sir, their is currently a wagon stuck in the mud. We are using the Chimeras to pull them out. We also have a few wagons with broken axels, we took whatever we could and torched the wagon. We also had a incident with what I think is a pysker." Tullin described.

"Detain her, and bring her to me. If she pulls some Warp fuckery kill her. We had reports of this on Krieg, it was practically the only thing that hurt our tanks." His mask was making him sweat profusely.  

A few minutes later, a blue haired girl dressed in light green robes was brought to the middle of the convoy, six guardsmen accompanied her. 

"I am Leiei." She stated simply.

"And I am 1st Lieutenant 0245-2745-9456, but you can call me Lieutenant Callahan. I brought you here to ask you questions, due to the nature of your... magic." He cringed at using that term.

"Are you pysker?"

"I have no idea what a pysker is, so no. I am a mage, nothing more nothing less." The blue haired girl said

"And what purpose do you join our convoy for?" 

"Me and my master are fleeing from the flame dragon." She answered back coldly.

"Interesting, you are free to go." Once she was out of sight, Callahan got the escort to kill her and her master as she was a threat to the Imperium. Red Las beams and a few gunshots ringed out from the convoy. The blood of the heretical flowed on the dirt road. 

But then a young girl with a large halberd twice her size was sighted on the road in front of the convoy.

Authors note; I know it was kind of a weak chapter but whatever. Just killed two main characters lmao Imperium don't bow to no bitch not even hot women. 

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