Bellnahgo's bane

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"Quickly we must hurry." An Imperial Soldier yells to his comrades.

"The enemy has us surrounded! They have already closed the North Gate. We are trapped! We are going to die." One soldier began to break down crying.

"Get a hold of yourself. We must defend this city. For the Empire for the Emperor!" The Centurion yells trying to mantain morale among his Century.

A large impact must have happened nearby because the dust and dirt on the roof began to fall to the floor. The Centurion opens the door in a hurry. A artillery shell lands directly on Bellnahgo's West gate. It was only a matter of time before the enemy started pouring in. They were honor bound to defend the Temple of Hardy.

"Come on men the walls are already lost, we must defend the Temple!" The centurion lead a small unit to take command of the defense of the Temple.


A tank platoon of Leman Russ and Chimera's lead the charge into the gatehouse. The infantry quickly passed the column of armored vehicles. Letting out a deadly battle cry. Most of the Imperial Troops that had the courage to remain at the gatehouse were swiftly dead. Bolter and Las Fire rang through the air. It would be a few hours before they could fully occupy the city. Platoons of men began rendezvousing with their Company Commanders. Captain McKnight was leading the charge to the Local troops barracks. They began to burn down shrines, churches, and temples. They were all undefended except for one... the Temple of Hardy. Callahan wanted to burn this one himself.

"URRRRRRRRAHHHHHH." A platoon of Kriegsmen were charging a small Centuria. The Bolter, and Las fire ripping through their testuedo. But still they held, but it was in vein for they had all perished at the hands of the Kriegsmen.

Next to fall was the town hall, but this one wasn't climatic. They simply surrendered. It was occupied and Banners bearing the holy Aquilla were unfurled onto the sides of the Building. Mages were dragged out of their homes and shot. Some Companies marched through the city triumphantly. Boots clanging proudly against the cobblestone streets. It would be a glorious day if so many buildings weren't burning and Civilians were actually celebrating instead of a downtrodden look on their faces. A few Imperial Guard Chaplains were preaching to the civilians but many did not listen.

A platoon of men were assaulting the Lord of Bellnahgo's estate. It was to be the temporary Battalion HQ. Callahan had a Company of Men Occupy it, and began moving to the Temple of Hardy. For he was the spear of the Emperor.

A few companies of men had surrounded the temple and had set up defensive positions around it. But they didn't attack the large garrison the temple held. Callahan's command Taurox rolled up to the front of the lines. Rolling over a few sandbags. The Taurox had a few speakers wired to a vox caster. Out stepped Callahan, Tullin and two escorts. He grabbed the Vox Receiver and took of his gas mask.

"Attention, Attention. Imperial Soldiers. Your Empire has created a mockery out of the great Emperor of Mankind. Why you all are human, you are heretics. If you would have run why you had the chance instead of this stupid act of Defiance I probably wouldn't have to kill you. But we cannot change the past now. Time to die." Callahan taunted.

These words both shocked and scared the Imperial Soldiers defending the temple. They were shaking. Knees were shaking. They began to feel the weight of their equipment. But all of A sudden a few Imperial Soldiers lead by a centurion began to charge Callahan. The Kriegsmen guarding Callahan raised their Auto and Las Guns. But he pushed them down.

"They are mine." He said as he raised his Bolt pistol.

He let out a shot from the bolt pistol. It was well placed, one of the Soldiers exploded into a dozen pieces. This act of blood made some of the men charging Callahan slow but not for long. Click... click.

"OUT OF AMMO? C'MON MEN WE CAN DO THIS!" The Centurion encouraged.

Callahan nervously dropped his Bolt pistol and began charging. A spear lunged at Callahan, to which he swiftly ducked. He put the hand on his hand on the hilt of the chain sword. Swiftly drawing and revving it into the neck of the Imperial Soldier who was dumb enough to try and kill him. the man's head swiftly fell to the ground in. He came face to face with the Centurion, but some of his Soldiers began to back up slowly.

"I DONT NEED AMMO. HAHAHAHAHA." The laugh caught many of them off-guard.

"DIE YOU MASKED BASTARD!" The Centurion yelled hoping to encourage some of his soldiers.

Callahan quickly slipped the strike from the Centurion, the next time the Centurion striked he parried revved the chain sword and cut from his abdomen to his shoulder. Effectively killing him. The other soldiers were easy pickings. Their body parts falling off like butter to Callahan's arms. The last Imperial Soldier fell that had challenged Callahan. He was triumphant.

"Its the end! the war has been lost!" The Imperial garrison began to panic.

Some cried, some held their composure. Callahan raised his hand, then quickly dropped it. Signaling the Battalion to open fire. Autogun, Stubber, Las, and Bolter fire. Rang out from all sides of the Temple. Killing all the soldiers who had insisted on defending it from the Kriegsmen. Blood pooled down from the steps from the steps of it. It was ironic, the goddess of the Underworld's temple had been coated in blood of those who defended her domain.

The Kriegsmen began dragging their bodies to a large pyre of bodies. It was the biggest fire in the city by far. Even dwarfing those of the burned shrines and temples. T'was a canvas of death nothing of which this world had ever seen. Pure terror. But for the Average Krieg Conscript this reality was common. They thought nothing of killing other human beings like it was nothing. To them they were doing the Emperor's will.

Callahan blew open the Temples large wooden door. He was going to kill the false god and all her heretical servants.

Authors note; Two chapters in one day. Had major inspiration from this earlier today.

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