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When I tried to stand up and walk out, I fell on the ground, because my right ankle hurt like hell. Was is broken? Newt got me and helped me to sit down on the bed again. Maybe when I felt down I twusted it. But Newt reached me some crutch and said:" If you want to walk around yoúll need them.Or I could carry you the whole time:)" He grinned.„No thanks my knight. When I need you Ím gonna shout for you." At first walking with crutchs wasńt easy but I got used to it. We walked out of the Med-Hut and I started aking the questions. „So my first question is, why is there a bonfire tonight? Newt answered: „Yeah every month when a new greenie comes up in the box there is a bonfire to celebrate the new family member." „Haha ok I didńt felt welcome when Gally shouted on me." Newt showed me around: „So you already know where the Med-Hurt is. There is where every single wounded gets first-aid. But luckily this doesńt happen often." ,he blinked me and I just rolled my eyes. We walked and walked and then he showed me the garten, which was near the Med-Hut. „This here is our garden. The importants thing come up in the box but here grows something like vegetables and some fruits and kinda stuff. Most of the time, Ím working here. A little bit further back is the forest. Just dońt get in there because it's pretty big and tight. So if you dońt get clear advices to go in there, just dońt do it. Directly across the Med-Hut ther are our homesteads where we get some rest and sleep." We walked over to the homesteads to see where my room was going to be. When we arrived there I saw a little chubby boy preparing my bed. „Hey new Greenie." He reached for my hand and kissed it. „Oh you have manners." Newt laughed and said: „Hey so this is your room. Because you are the onliest girl around here, yoúll have your own room." I nodded and we walked over to the kitchen which was next to the homestead. When we walked into the kitchen I just smelled something so delicious I have never smelled before. „Hey Fry this is our new Greenie." A tall dark-skinned boy walked to us. He wore an apron and seeemed really stressed. „ Hey Greenie, Ím Fry. Sorry, I cańt talk right now but maybe we can talk at the bonfire tonight. Because I have a lot to do for your welcome party." I just grinnend and said thanks. We walked of the kitchen and Newt and I walked over to a big tree house. I laughed, „Do you really think I can climb up in my condition?" Newt laughed and said: „Of course Ím gonna help you. Or Ím gonna carry you up there. Before I could say anything, he swung me over his shoulder and carried me like a bag. It seemed like I was a feather. I laughed.When we arrived up there he laid me down on the wooden ground of the tree house and sat down against a wall. We sat next to each other. „So I want to know everything. What is this bloody place?"

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