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Imagine Maze Runner -10 (English)

I sat up on the bed and put my shoes on. Newt and I were walking out of my room. While walking I heard a loud scratchy noise. „The doors are closing. No worries." ,Newt said calmly. We walked over to the center of the glade. I reconized that he limped. „What happened to your leg. I just noticed that you limp." „Sorry but I'm not ready to talk about that." Newt's face darkened. „Ok sorry, if you want to talk to me, you know where to find me." He smiled and we kept going to walk to the center. I din't reconized either that he was soll tall I mean if I talked to him I had to look up to see him in the face and he had to look down. Maybe he was about 1 & 1/2 heads bigger than me. We were finally arrived at the bonfire. I still had to get used to the crutchs. The whole place looked awesome because it was dark and there were some torches around the place and everything was bright like it was day but it was already after 8 p.m. There was a giant table with food and drinks. „I walked over to Fry. „Did you do that all by your own?" „Yeah I hope you like it." I laughed: „ No, I love it!" I sat down on a bench and then Newt, Minho, Thomas and Ben joined me, holding some jars in their hands filled with a yello liquid. „Hey what are you doing here alone? You are the special guest you can't sit alone here." , Newt said. Minho gave me a drink in my hand: „Hey drink this, it will make you come in party mood Cheers." eyery one hold their glass up and said: „On our newbie!" I drank it and afterwards I spit half of the yellow liquid on the ground. „What the shuck is this?Sorry Fry but this tastes awful!" Everyone on my table laughed. Thomas said:„ We don't know it either, Gally made that. But now you are offically part of our family because this drink is tradition to every newbie." „If Gally made it no wonder it tastes like shit." I laughed but Minho and Fry stopped laughing and looked behind me and saw Gally, wh heard everything. „So this is how you call my drink? Shit? If you got a problem with me, just tell it to me right into my shucking face, greenie." He raised his eyebrows like he waited for an excuse. But I stood up and looked him right in his eyes. „So I don't remeber a lot of stuff, but I knew that my parents taught me, to say the truth always. doesn't matter how hard the truth is." This was an answer but he didn't thought I'm gonna say something like this." Gally looked down to me, „Are your fists also so hard like your sayings ? Because at first I thought I would spare you, to fight with me beacuse you are a girl. But your mouth and soeeches sound pretty tough."'I looked him serious in the eyes without breaking the glaze whehn I heard something from the backround: „Finish him. Come on Greenie, you got this!" myáybe it was the drink of Gally but it felt like I could tear out trees. Gally looked at me more serious then never before: „What do you think Greenie? You and me fight in the ring? Or do you fiht like a girl?" But Thomas Newt and Minho came and pulled me away. „Do you want to die? You just arrived here and you are not in your best condition!He weighs twice as much as you and is 2 heads bigger then you, you slinthead! I won't allow that!" „Oh sorry, only because I'm a girl, I don't need to be treaten different. Ok? Thats bloody sexist! And you told me not to harm anyone around me but treating me different, harms me, Newt." I looked him one last time in the eyes and turned my back on him and walked to Gally. Newt tried to convince Alby but Alby was on my side and said that rule number 2 also counts in this kind of situation. „ Let's start."

Maze Runner Newt x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now