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Imagine Maze Runner -81 (English)
„Ok guys I think we should tickle thomas to dead now, right?" ,Fry asked. We looke at each other and starting tickeling Thomas, who was trying to run away but Minho jumped on top of him and they fell down. Thomas sceamed like a girl. „STOPPPP PLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEE!!!" but now everyone started tickeling him and he screamed and bursted out laughing. After we stopped punishing Thomas we went over to the next round. At first it was Winston who had to lick the toe of someone to his left and then Fry had to spin himself around 30x and had to try to walk a straight path. Then it was my turn. Minho asked me „Truth or dare?" „Dare" , I said: „Ok y/n you have to reveal all the details of your best kiss." Minho laughed and I betrayed it. „Ok so every detail? Newt are you gonna help me?" he smiled and nodded. „So when we walked in the forest to find some wood for the bonfire I noticed the sea and tried to push him into it. My plan didińt work out well. Obviously he was to strong for me and then he threw me into the cold water." , I explained and then Newt started talking. „Yeah when I noticed that she was shaking I took my clothes off and went into the sea to warm her up a little bit." I grinned and started talking again, „Yeah when he was in there he hugged me and said that I would feel better if we would swim a little and then I would feel warmer." „Yeah then we swum into the middle of the sea and it got a lot deeper than before and when we arrived in the center of the sea y/n couldńt reach for the ground anymore and stuggled cecause of her shortness and I still could reach the ground with no effort so I pulled her to me and she wrapped her legs around my waist to stand probably." I smiled. He still remembers every single thing then I started talking. „Yeah and then I said that it would warm myself up if wéd kiss and yeah... we did."

Maze Runner Newt x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now