Chapter 2- Farewell to You

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Arizona's POV 

I am shocked at what I seemed to have just witnessed. I see a clearly flustered woman come out of a bathroom, and what I surely was not prepared for was a tall dark haired Latina to come out quickly looking equally as flustered. I can only assume she was trying to go after the blonde woman that left out of there just moments ago. 

I look at Callie stunned, my face going from really happy to confused and almost sad. I feel like in the minutes that we stood there, I went through the five stages of grief. I went through this and knew what was about to happen, regardless of if she or I wanted it or not. 

Rather than do this out in the middle of the hotel, I took her by the wrist and brought her to the hotel room I was going to surprise her with when she got back. 

You know I envisioned this being the perfect night for us. We would be together in this hotel room, maybe with pizza and champagne, since that was our favorite thing. And I pictured a good old fashioned junior high make out session, and maybe even more if that is where it went. 

But now, here we are standing in the middle of this hotel room and I am fairly certain I know where this is going to go because I made a promise to my brother when we were younger that I would NEVER be anyone's second choice. I miss him everyday.


"Hey, Tempe." Tim said walking in my room. "Can I talk to you about something?" He continued.

"Of course, Tim, what's up?" I say. "I know you're gay, Arizona." He states softly. "W-what do you mean you know?" I stutter, scared of what is to come next.

"You don't exactly bring guys around, and the only person you brought home was Joanne. I kind of caught you kissing her when you left the door cracked open one day. I didn't want to say anything until you were comfortable with telling me." He continues. 

"I--I don't know what to say. I wasn't sure how you would react, so I was scared you would judge me or hate me for the way I was. " I say with tears threatening to come into my eyes.

"Phoenix, I love you for who you are and you being gay does not change a thing. If anything, now we can talk about girls together. We can come to each other for advice if one another needs it." He rambles. "I am going to dance so hard at your wedding one day, but you have to promise me one thing, Sedona." He says.

"What is that, Timmy?" I say, with a confused expression.

"You will never be anyone's second choice. You are the sun, and you shine brightest when you are happy. I am better off for having you as my sister. You will always be my favorite person, even if I am not yours. So please, promise me you will never let anyone make you to be their second choice?" Tim says lovingly. 

"I promise, Tim. Can you promise me you will do the same? You will always be my favorite person, the one who I know will be there in a heartbeat  if I need them." I say with tears now falling down my cheeks.

"I promise, Tucson." Hugging me tightly as he knows I am crying happy tears. "I will always be there for you, even if we can't talk all the time, you know I will always be with you." He says pointing to my heart. 


As I composed myself for what I was about to say and hear, I remembered that time Tim was there for me when he knew I was gay. And oddly, it made this decision to do what I was about to do a little better. Nothing about this was going to be easy and I knew this choice would be fucking difficult, but I will never be anyone's second choice and I will not stand for being cheated on. 

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