Chapter 4- Bittersweet

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Arizona's POV

I go to the front desk of the hotel with April and Alex to pay for the hotel room. I don't want Callie to have to worry about anything as I know it's just as hard for her right now as it is for me. 

With that, Alex and April take me to Alex's car to start the drive back to Callie's apartment to pack my things. I sent a text to Callie so she would know I would be there to pack my things.

Arizona: Hey, I am going to the apartment to pack my things. You keep the apartment, it's in your name anyway. I will leave the key to it on the counter when I am finished. 

I press send, hoping to not cry at the response I get. A few minutes pass and I get a response.

Callie: Hey Arizona, please keep the key. I hope one day in the future we can be friends and you can be always welcomed into the apartment. I have to admit this sucks, but thank you for telling Mark to come comfort me. You always know exactly what to do.

I look at this text in awe that we can already be civil with each other, although we didn't exactly end on the worst terms, I figured it would take longer. I am not complaining, but I feel like it will be worse in the morning. All the feelings will come and the real pain will start. 

I send a reply to Callie.

Arizona: This does suck. I won't sugarcoat it, but I am glad you still feel comfortable telling me how you feel. I will always care about you, Calliope. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me. :)

I chanced the smiley face at the end, hoping it would put a smile on her face. While we were no longer together, I still wanted to make her smile. A few minutes later she responds.

Callie: It's funny, Mark said I am stuck with him too. There isn't a return policy on that by any chance? ;) only kidding. I am lucky to have you in my life, Arizona. I will always be here for you.

She can still can make me smile. And I'm okay with that. I put my phone away and create small conversation with Alex and April until we make it to the apartment. 

We get everything of mine ready to go to the hotel, but April speaks up before we leave.

"Arizona, I want you to come stay with me. I have an extra room and a couch. You can take either, or sleep next to me. Whatever you're comfortable with. I don't want you to go through this in an unfamiliar place. I would rather you go through this in a comfortable place." I give her a genuine smile, but I have to make sure she is absolutely okay with this.

"April, I don't want to be a bother. I am okay with staying at the hotel--" I am cut off. "Arizona, I frankly won't take no for an answer, I was being nice and now protective April is not taking no for an answer." She states rather sternly.

"I wouldn't fuck with her, Robbins." Alex chimes in, "she seems to mean business." I laugh as he finishes. 

"Okay, momma April. I will come stay with you." She gives me a playful slap on the arm for the momma comment, but we all burst into a fit of laughter. Genuine laughter that I know will be hard to come by soon for at least a little while. 


Callie's POV

I told Mark to text Lexie for her to come by and stay in the room with us. I wanted to stay the night in the room so Arizona could get her things out of the apartment without me being a bother to her.

I am surprised at how okay we are. I really fucked up big time, but she was being so kind toward me. I felt like I didn't deserve it, but I wasn't forcing her to be this way, so I let it be.

Lexie knocked on the door and came in with a cart full of food from the reception. 

"Lexie, you really didn't have to bring all of this. I don't deserve this." I say shyly.

"Callie, you just got dumped by your wife, let's pretend you didn't say that last part because everyone deserves all the food going through a break up." She says, earning a slight laugh from me. 

"Oh and Callie, you're staying at our place or we're staying at your place." Mark says, as I go to open my mouth in retort, Mark speaks again. "Before you even think about debating, it's not up for debate." He finishes.

"Okay fine, we can be at my place." I pout. I secretly was so appreciative that would do this for me. I don't think I deserve it, but I wouldn't dare say that out loud, because I know they would tell me otherwise. 

We spent the night chatting about anything and everything. I realized that Lexie has been through so much with her father. Along with her mother dying. Her mother died from the hiccups, and what's the survival rate of that? She says 100%. Lexie is so good for Mark and I am so happy he has her. 

I know it's going to be more painful in the morning when the realization of tonight's events set in, but I am glad to at least have them tonight. At this moment in time, I am okay with what happened and I hope to stay that way. If only it were that easy. 

I keep telling myself I will be okay. I really hope that I will be. I want to everyone to be proud of me for getting through this. 

I chanced it and called my father. 

"Calliope, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He says.

"Daddy..." I say beginning to cry.

"What's wrong, mija?" He says softly, "tell me what's wrong, princess?"

"Arizona and I are no longer together, but bef---" I am cut off by him.

"I will kill her, what did she do to you?!" He says loudly. Even Lexie and Mark heard him as they stare wide-eyed.

"Daddy, it was my fault. She has done nothing wrong so put the big guns away. We just didn't work out in the end. We are already on better terms. I want nothing but the best for her, and I think she wants the same for me. I will be okay, Daddy. I just wanted to call you and tell you." I finish.

"I love you, mija. You will get through this. Call me, and I will jump on a plane to you in a second if you want me to." He says.

"I am okay, Daddy. Mark and Lexie won't let me out of their sight, so I will be okay. I love you too, Papa." I say, we have a little small talk before I yawn and we hang up before I fall asleep. 

Shortly after, I fall asleep in between Mark and Lexie, each have a hand in my back or shoulder, rubbing soothingly, lulling me to sleep.

Author's Notes:

When it comes to love again, I will more than likely be following Arizona's story closer than Callies. I feel there is more potential there than Callies. I will certainly put Callie with someone eventually, but I don't know that it will be someone from the show. We will have to see what I come up with! Hope you're still enjoying!

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