Chapter 10- Little Things

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2 weeks later

Amelia's POV

Who knew that perky blonde, who was nothing but sunshines and rainbows around the kids had so much happen to her.

Her brother dies, a shooting at the hospital, a plane crash, losing her leg, and then Callie cheating on her. I know she said not to hate her, but it just made me mad at her. Callie threw away something so good. 

We'd seen each other around the hospital and hung out outside the hospital. I was getting to know her better. She told me about her family and parents, what it was like moving around all the time because of her father being in the military. I imagine that could have been hard for her, so I told her about my dad and what happened to him. 

I wish I could have known my dad, but I was only five when he was murdered. It still makes me angry to this day, these men killed him over a watch. A watch that my mother gave him. 

I even told her about how I am a recovering addict, how I will always be one, but I know that I worked hard to get clean and have been for seven years. That was very hard to finally admit and then get help. I haven't told her about my son yet, I am nervous on how she would react. I feel like I will one day, but just not yet.

Arizona Robbins was simply amazing. She never judged me when I told her about myself and always listened intently offering nothing but hand holds and undivided attention.

I was going to marry this girl. 

Wait did I just say that? Luckily, I didn't say it out loud.

Okay, I was going to ask this girl on a date and I saw her at the nurse's station filling out her charts so now was a perfect time. I walked up there and planted the biggest smile on my face and maybe was staring too loud because she spoke up first.

"What can I do for you, superior Shepherd?" She says with a smile. "Oh, Dr. Robbins, at least take me on a date before you trying and smooth talk me into bed." I said with a wink. She turned as red as a tomato and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Speaking of dates, is there any chance you are free tonight around eight?" I ask. "Oh, really? Tonight, um--" Her face falls, I know something is wrong so I pull her into an empty on-call room and lock the door.

"Arizona, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I say softly. "No, Amy. It's not that at all. Can I tell you something? I'm sorry I am always so sad." She says. 

"Arizona, it's okay to be sad. You can tell me anything." I look into her eyes, a single tear falls on her cheek and I take my thumb to wipe it away. Her eyes close in that moment, I think she longs for my touch, just as much as I long for hers.


Arizona's POV

"Arizona, it's okay to be sad. You can tell me anything." She look into my eyes, a single tear falls on my cheek and she takes her thumb to wipe it away. My eyes close in that moment, I long for her touch, and I hope she longs for mine too.

"Today is the anniversary of Tim's death. I dread this day every year and everyone always says that it gets easier, and I hate when they say it because I feel like it gets harder. Every year that goes by, I fear that one day I will forget about him. For me, it doesn't get easier. It's one more year I have to spend without him. I barely made it through when he died, our best friend Nick was just as broken as I was, but I think we got through it since we were together." I pause and look up trying to prevent more tears from falling from my eyes. I find Amelia's leg brushing mine and her hand on my back, rubbing up and down.

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