Chapter 23- Crashing

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33 weeks pregnant

Arizona's POV 

Today I hit 33 weeks pregnant and wow did I feel it. My back ached, my feet hurt, and my hormones were all over the place.

Just this morning I cried because my breakfast was so good. I was so emotional and I think it was also getting to Amelia too. 

"Babe, do you want to ride in together?" Amelia asked across the table. "Wait, why wouldn't I? Do you not like riding with me? Did I do something wrong?" I asked a million questions.

"Arizona, no. I didn't say that." She says. "Well it was the way that you said it." I said, about to cry. "How was it in the way I said it? It was just a question." She said back to me.

"I just don't understand, why wouldn't you want to drive in with me?!" I said loudly. "Babe, I didn't say I didn't want to. I just asked if you wanted to ride in together." She said calmly back, coming over to me, trying to soothe me. I was having none of it.

"No, you know what. I'll just drive myself since you'd rather be alone on your ride to work!!" I said and grabbed my things and headed out the door to work. 

"Arizona, wait.." She said before I got out the door, but I just slammed it and got into my car to drive to work.

I knew I overreacted and had no reason for that, but my hormones took over. It was almost like I wasn't in control. I was still so mad, but I think I was more mad at myself. 

I knew I'd have to apologize when I saw her, she didn't deserve any of it. She has been so good to me. I debated going back home and crying in Amelia's arms and apologizing for being mean. I knew she deserved some uncomplicated time to herself so I kept driving to work. 

I was sitting at a particularly long red light. It always was this one light. It finally turns green and I accelerate ahead, before I knew it, my car was hit from behind and my air bags deployed. And I was sitting there in shock as to what just happened. 

I was okay, but when I looked down, my water broke. My water was broken. I knew I needed to get to the hospital and I needed Amelia badly. 

I sat there for a few minutes when someone came up to me, I think it may have been the driver of the other car. "Oh my god, are you okay? My car, it lost brakes. I am so sorry." They say. "I-I am fine, my water just broke and I am starting to have contractions. I am assuming the ambulance is on the way. I am going to need you to tell them I am pregnant and need to be taken to Seattle Grace Mercy West. Can you do that?" I ask them and they nod.

I am brought into the ambulance and I get out my phone to call April. "You all okay with me phoning the hospital to tell them I am on my way and to not freak out?" They all nod.

I call April, hoping she wouldn't freak out. "Hey April, please don't freak out. I am on my way to the hospital in an ambulance and my---" I start and she freaks out, typical April. "What? Are you okay? What happened?" She asks quickly and loudly. The paramedics looked at me.

"April, I literally just said don't freak out. I'm only in an ambulance because I would never hear the end of it if I didn't. My water broke and I am having contractions. I am fine otherwise. Get Carina and Alex ready please. Oh and have Derek to calmly call Amelia to tell her. I know her, she is going to freak out, just like you did." I finish with a chuckle. "O--okay, Arizona. As long as you're okay. You scared me for a second. I will get them ready." She says softly. 

I hang up the phone and before I know it, we are at the hospital. I am being wheeled into assessment and was cleared so I went up to labor and delivery.

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