Chapter 8- Not A Bad Thing

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A month later

Callie's POV

Arizona and I were in a good place with each other. There are some days where I miss her romantically, but for the most part I am grateful for the fact that we are getting back to being friends. I think we may have skipped that part when we got together. We got into a relationship right away after she came to the hospital. I am happy with how we are going, and I think she is the same way. I can honestly say that Arizona Robbins is one of my best friends. 

Wow, that was weird to say. Who knew this is where we were going to be. 

I wonder if Arizona feels the same?


Arizona's POV

My mind was still all over the place. I'm getting better, but I'm still not 100%. 

I got up for the day and got ready for work. I stopped by the coffee cart for my usual morning more coffee. I felt a tap on my arm as I was waiting in line.

"Hey, you!" Callie said. "Hey, Callie. How are you?" I say. "I'm great, going out tonight with Mer and Christina! You wanna come." She said. 

"Oh, no thanks. I'm swamped here and need to catch up." Clearly that was a lie, but hopefully she didn't catch on. "Arizona, I know you better than that. What do you need? I want to help you." Callie asks.

"Callie, I do appreciate you for asking, but this isn't something you can help with. Not anymore." I say.

She looks at me sadly, and nods. She gives me a hug and walks away. 

I am stood at the nurses station catching up on some charts, when I look over to catch Derek talking to this gorgeous brunette. They're laughing and I couldn't help but stare over there at her. She was beautiful, and apparently I was looking for too long because I saw her glance over at me. Then I looked away and figured I needed to abort this mission before it got awkward.  

Before I could run away (stupid leg), Derek saw me and called me over. I walked over there with an awkward smile, anxious that she was going to mention me staring. 

"Arizona, this is my sister, Dr. Amelia Shepherd. Amelia, this is Dr. Robbins!" Derek said excitedly. "Good morning, Dr. Robbins, it is a pleasure to meet you." Amelia says, she gives me a super grin. 

"Hi, Dr. Shepherd. What brings you to Seattle Grace Mercy West?" I ask genuinely curious. "Oh, I am working a case with Derek. He needed the superior Shepherd of the bunch to show him up in the OR." We both chuckle and find Derek kind of miffed.

"Amy, that is not true. We both know I am the superior Shepherd!" Derek exclaims. "Okay, Derek. No need to get all bent out of shape." Amelia laughs again.

"Okay well, it was nice meeting you, Dr. Shepherd. Hopefully you stick around with us!" I say with a super magic smile. The first one in a while. There was something about her, new and fresh, she was like coming up for air.

"Please, call me Amelia or Amy, Dr. Robbins. Dr. Shepherd makes me sound old or gets me compared to this block head over here." Looking at Derek with a playful shove. "Amy!!" Derek shouts.

"Okay, I will call you Amelia, only if you call me Arizona." I give her a smile and wink. "I'll catch you both later!" I finish and with that I walk towards the pediatric wing.


Amelia's POV

"Amy, you don't let anyone besides me call you that, why the sudden change?" Derek questioned. "Wow, I didn't even notice I said that. I think I may have been distracted." I state.

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