Chapter 5- Moving on and Getting Over

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Callie's POV 

I dreaded going to sleep last night, because I knew in the morning all the realization would come flooding back to me. When I finally fell asleep, it felt like a sleep I had needed for a long time. 

Maybe I was going to be okay after all, were my first thoughts when I woke up. Everything came flooding back to me, but I was okay. I wouldn't say I was perfect, but I was not as bad as I thought I would be. 

Mark and Lexie were both awake, watching TV quietly. I noticed breakfast and coffee already here and they already ate, so I am guessing I slept very late. 

"Hey, sunshine. We went ahead and ate, but left your favorite for you." Mark smiles at me. "Thanks you guys, I am feeling better. Not 100%, but that won't happen overnight." I say.

"We know it won't happen right away, but we are here to get you through it." Lexie chimes in with a smile as well.

I eat my breakfast while watching TV with them. My favorite show is on right now. Grey's Anatomy, I have always liked to critique their medical skills. It is so cool that Meredith's mom has a TV show named after her, aside from her Catherine Fox Foundation Awards, this has got to be quite the highlight for her. I wish I could have met her, she sounded like a brilliant woman. 

I finish up breakfast and thought it was time for us to go home. I let them know I was ready to go and we made our way to the lobby to check out. 

I wanted to at least pay for the room. To my surprise, it was already paid in full by my wife. The concierge stated, "It was already paid in full by your wife, I hope you were surprised by the room. She was so excited to get it for you!" And there it was, the sting of what happened last night.

"Sorry, she put it on the wrong card. Can you cancel that transaction and put it on this card?" I said with a smile, trying to hide the hurt behind my smile. "Certainly miss, do you want me to notify her of the change?" He states. "No, I will let her know." I wanted to thank her for the gesture after we left.  

We get to the car, as Mark is driving, I decided to pull out my phone to text Arizona. 

Callie: Thank you for paying for the room. I had them cancel it and put it on my card. It is the very least I could do after you have been so kind to me about everything. 

I press send, and get an almost immediate reply.

Arizona: How did I know you were going to do that, Calliope? I swear, what am I going to do with you? Thank you, you didn't have to do that.

She still makes me smile.

Callie: Well someone did tell me yesterday, that I am stuck with them. So I guess, you're just stuck with me. I wanted to, Arizona. :)

I am surprised at how she really can make me smile, without there being anything to it. Just two friends talking to each other. My phone lights up with another message.

Arizona: Oh, well then I guess we are stuck with each other! Today sucks, it really does. I do miss you, Callie. But I hope we can be there for each other some day. For now, April and Alex have not left my side. 

I frown at the fact that she says today sucks, but I won't lie after the concierge told me what Arizona did, it made me sad. I take comfort in knowing, April and Alex are there for her. She needs them. I reply to her message. 

Callie: Today does suck, I won't lie. I am glad April and Alex are there for you. I know Alex is a big softy under that rough exterior. I hope we can be there for each other some day too. I miss you more than you know, Arizona. We will be okay, at least I keep saying that. If we say it enough, I think we will make it through. If you ever feel like giving up, promise me, you will text me? I know I can't be there for you romantically anymore, but I want to be there for you as a friend. :)

Arizona takes a few minutes to reply.

Arizona: I promise I will text you, Calliope. I hope you can promise the same for me. Let's get through this so we can go back to work and be the best damn pediatric and orthopedic surgeons there are! :)

Again, she makes me smile. Ugh, I miss her.

Callie: I promise, Arizona. I would do anything for you. I have to go, I may be getting stared at by two concerned friends who are curious at why I am smiling at my phone so much. :)

Arizona: I am happy I still manage to make you smile. I may also be getting stared at by two friends who are concerned as to why I am smiling so much too. :)

With that, I put my phone away being stared at with confused expressions by Lexie and Mark. 

"What?" I say stupidly.


Arizona's POV 

I woke up later in the morning to my phone dinging, meaning I had a text message.

Callie: Thank you for paying for the room. I had them cancel it and put it on my card. It is the very least I could do after you have been so kind to me about everything.

I told Alex she was going to do that, he owes me twenty bucks.

Arizona: How did I know you were going to do that, Calliope? I swear, what am I going to do with you? Thank you, you didn't have to do that.

I say with a smile on my face.

Callie: Well someone did tell me yesterday, that I am stuck with them. So I guess, you're just stuck with me. I wanted to, Arizona. :)

I am happy we can still talk so civil.

Arizona: Oh, well then I guess we are stuck with each other! Today sucks, it really does. I do miss you, Callie. But I hope we can be there for each other some day. For now, April and Alex have not left my side.

I am so lucky to have April and Alex here with me. 

Callie: Today does suck, I won't lie. I am glad April and Alex are there for you. I know Alex is a big softy under that rough exterior. I hope we can be there for each other some day too. I miss you more than you know, Arizona. We will be okay, at least I keep saying that. If we say it enough, I think we will make it through. If you ever feel like giving up, promise me, you will text me? I know I can't be there for you romantically anymore, but I want to be there for you as a friend. :)

I take a few minutes to reply.

Arizona: I promise I will text you, Calliope. I hope you can promise the same for me. Let's get through this so we can go back to work and be the best damn pediatric and orthopedic surgeons there are! :)

Callie: I promise, Arizona. I would do anything for you. I have to go, I may be getting stared at by two concerned friends who are curious at why I am smiling at my phone so much. :)

Ugh, I miss her. I can't wait to be able to be friends with her. I think she will be fiercely loyal as a friend, because of  the circumstances. 

Arizona: I am happy I still manage to make you smile. I may also be getting stared at by two friends who are concerned as to why I am smiling so much too. :)

With that, I start my day. Knowing this is going to be a long few weeks. But I think this will be good for us. Cathartic almost.

Let's see what is waiting for us when we get back to Seattle Grace Mercy West. Hopefully something or someone good will be waiting for us.

Author's Notes:

I am simply going to spare you the 3 weeks it will take all of them to come back to work. I would find it boring, but know they all have become closer to each other and hopefully Arizona and Callie can become friends again.

There is a new character entering in this chapter, any guesses? Could it be someone good or someone bad? Ooooo, could it be a new love interest?

Keep reading to find out! 

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