Chapter 24- I Choose You

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Amelia's POV

Alright so my plan was accelerated by about a month apparently. I was just so thankful that Arizona and our babies were okay. I was so scared.

"Baby, I'm sorry for losing my patience at you. You have been more than patient with me and I was so mean to you." Arizona says to me and starts to cry. I can see the pregnancy hormones are still there.

"Hey, hey. No more crying over that beautiful." I say as I wipe the tears from her cheeks. "You carried our two babies for over 8 months and you expect me to be mad? You were not mean. You were tired and it's normal when you're pregnant. You have nothing to be sorry for, baby." I finish as she is sniffling the last of her tears.

"I don't deserve you, but since I have you, come here mamí." She says with a wink. She brings me in for a long lasting kiss.

Alex comes in and gives a little laugh. "Alright you love sick teenagers, Timmy and Ry are in the NICU. They are absolutely fine, just monitoring their oxygen for the night and then they can come down here tomorrow." He says and I get up to shuffle towards him after placing a quick kiss on Arizona's lips.

I wanted to fill him in on my plan and ask if it was okay. He smiled at me and said that he would get some others to help me too.

I go back to the bed with Arizona and she asks me what that was about. "Nothing really, I just wanted to thank him for all he did with my babies and my forever girl." I said and placed another kiss on her lips. 

We then fell asleep. I had her protectively in my arms and in this moment, I was so happy. 


The next morning, we woke up and it looked like Arizona was so refreshed. "Good morning, sweet girl." She says sleepily. 

"Good morning, beautiful." I say groggily as well and then smiled at her. I pulled her in for a long lasting kiss and placed my hand protectively on her stomach. That was more of an instinct at this point even though she gave birth to our babies.

Just then she pulled out of the kiss and looked away. Sounding like she was sniffling back tears. I brought her face back to look at me and she just looked at me such sad eyes. 

"What's wrong, pretty girl?" I asked her, wiping her tears away. She tries to look away again, but I cup her face and give her a quick kiss on the lips and ask her again. "Okay, Robbins. What's going on?" I asked her sternly. 

"Did you just last name me, Shepherd?" She says in a fake shocked tone. "I really did, now tell me what's going on." I asked again.

"It's stupid." She says with a pout. "Nothing you say could possibly be stupid." I said as I placed a kiss on her nose, which caused her to crinkle it.

"I just feel so fat. I know I just pushed two babies out of me, but I just feel so unattractive and disgusting." She says. I cup her face once more and say, "Hey, don't insult my baby mama. She is strong and funny and beautiful and I cannot say enough amazing things about her." I say with a kiss on the cheek.

"But I just don----" She starts and I stop her. "Lemme stop you there. You did one of the most beautiful things and gave birth to not one, but two babies. That is the most beautiful thing to me. I don't care how you look, you could have ten heads for all I care. What matters is what's in here." As I point to her heart. "And the Arizona Robbins I know is pretty amazing. She's stunning, funny, caring, kind. I think you should meet her." I finish with a smile.

She smiles up at me and I pull her into a long passionate kiss. We pull apart and our babies are being rolled in from down the hallway with Meredith, Alex, April, and Derek. I knew it was time so I slyly grabbed something from my bag in the corner and got ready. 


Arizona's POV

I saw my babies being rolled down the hall by Meredith, Alex, Derek, and April. They all looked so happy to be with them and it made my heart so full. 

Amelia got out of the bed and went to the corner of the room. I didn't think anything of it. As they were coming into the room, I couldn't help but want to get up. 

I started to try to get up and Alex came over to help me. It was a slow going process, but eventually we were able to get out of bed so I could see my beautiful babies.

I got over to the carriers and noticed they weren't in the normal clothes the hospital gives them. I give them each a kiss and then I actually read what their clothes say. My mouth dropped open.

Hi Mama, we love you 

Was what Timmy's onesie said.

Will you marry Mommy?

Was what Ry's onesie said. 

I started to tear up and then I turned around quickly to find Amelia down on one knee with a smile on her face. 

"Oh my god." I said, that's all I could manage to come out. Amelia took my hand and I was so ready to jump up and down, I wanted to say yes right now, but I wanted to see what she was going to say.

"Do you remember the first day we met? We were giving each other a hard time for calling each other Dr. Robbins and Dr. Shepherd? I knew on that day, you were someone that I wanted to be around all the time. I wanted to know more about you and spend time with you. Then after that, we went to see your brother. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my days with you right then and there. I went to see him the other day, I had to ask him a very important question and I can only hope he said yes. You are my favorite person, Arizona. You turn my world. You make everything and everyone around you better. You mean everything to me and you are going to be the best mama to our beautiful babies. You deserve the world and I intend to give that to you. So with all that being said. Arizona Robbins, will you make me the happiest person alive. Will you marry me?" She finishes and we both have tears in our eyes. 

"Yes, yes, oh my god, yes!!" I jump up and down and pull her up into a long passionate kiss. Everyone in the room is shouting and clapping for us. We pull out of the embrace to look at them. 

"Thank you all for helping plan this, it was amazing." I say with a huge smile on my face. Everyone comes over and looks at the engagement ring on my left hand.

More people start to come in as they hear the news and offer congratulations. They came to see the babies too. Everything was perfect. I had an incredible fiance and two beautiful babies. 

I couldn't ask for anything else.

Author's Notes: I actually think it's going to wrap up here. I will do a time jump to give you an update on the kids and life for them. I don't see a point to drag it on any longer and wedding posts are so common, I am going to skip that. Sorry for not posting in a bit, I had to study and take an exam! I hope you've enjoyed this story and like it's time jump conclusion!

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