Slytherins are great pretenders [Part 2]

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On Saturday all Hogwarts students are allowed to visit the little village of Hogsmeade nearby the castle. Chaeyoung has been looking forward to visiting the candy store Honeydukes all week long. And it certainly didn't help that Lisa hasn't stopped pestering her about the Berti Botts all flavoured beans that the blonde Chipmunk owes her.

The two Hufflepuffs meet up with Jisoo in front of the Great Hall and are now on their way down to Hogsmeade together. It's a warm, sunny October day and the trio walks down the winded path happily chatting.

"... so all of a sudden Haein is in my zone and he throws the Quaffel hard and I react way to late and it hits me square in the stomach! I swear, I thought I was going to puke.." Jisoo tells them about their Gryffindor Quidditch training.

"Oh my god, did you?" Chaeyoung asks with wide eyes. She always says Quidditch is far too violent and Lisa and Jisoo are idiots for loving it so much. But Chaeyoung doesn't get what it feels like to rush through the air on a broom above eyerything else. She got very dizzy when she tried flying a broom in their first year at Hogwarts and decided then and there that Quidditch was not for her.

"No, I didn't but it was a close call!" Jisoo goes on "I landed and took a five-minute time-out. Haein apologised like a thousand times..." the Gryffindor girl smiles coyly.

"Do you think it's bad that I think he's kinda cute?" Jisoo adds with a slight blush.

Chaeyoung's eyes go even wider and Lisa snickers. "Chichuuu! He's like the best looking guy in our year and I think he likes you, by the way!" Chaeyoung tells her older friend wiggling her eyebrows funnily.

"What? No way!" Jisoo waves a dismissive hand at Chaeyoung, not believing her.

"I bet he's going to ask you to the christmas ball this year!" the blonde Hufflepuff girl nods vigorously at Jisoo.

"Well, if he does, that means you will end up without a date, cause I was going to ask you since Lisa will be going with her bitchy ass girlfriend!" Jisoo snickers evily referring to her little crush on Jennie Kim.

Alleged crush, Lisa might add. She keeps telling them she doesn't like Jennie that way but the two crackheads don't really care. They enjoy teasing Lisa way too much.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung giggle giddily and Lisa just throws a light punch at Jisoo's shoulder in an attempt to shut her up. "Whatever, guys!"

It only makes them giggle more.

They arrive at Hogsmeade and head straight towards Honeydukes. All three of them turn into hyperactive five year olds at the sight of the variety of candy and the warm, sweet smell of the shop surrounding them. They buy their weight in candy in order to sustain some serious sugar rushes during the next two weeks.

Chaeyoung pays for Lisa's Berti Botts Beans like promised and let's the other two store their loot in her magically enlarged handbag, that she brought in wise foresight.

They venture through the little village for a bit, looking at shop windows. Jisoo buys a new quill because her recent one broke. Chaeyoung treats herself to new guitar strings. Lisa and Jisoo marvel at the new broom cleaning kit in the window of the little Quidditch supply shop while Chaeyoung taps her foot on the ground, bored out of her mind. At the Three broomsticks Pub, Jisoo treats them all to a round of butterbeers.

"Shall we visit the Shack? The sun should be at the perfect angle right now!" Chaeyoung asks, eyes going from Jisoo to Lisa and back.

The Shack, being the Shrieking Shack which can be seen from a certain viewpoint in the small forest behind Hogsmeade. It's a little clearing and at the right time of day, it's the perfect place to enjoy the sunshine and the quiet for not many people ever go there.

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