Muggle things [M] - Oneshot

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[M-rated] Oneshot + TMI warning
JenLisa Relationship

Jennie: muggle born witch, grew up with in muggle world

Lisa: pureblood witch, has next to no knowledge of muggle life


Lisa lay in bed in her Hufflepuff dorm. It was this time of the month and the cramps in her lower abdomen were out of this world. 

"Lisa, we have to go to class... Jennie's already waiting for you down in the common room." Chaeyoung gently hit Lisa's knee with her hand when she passed by. She was getting ready for the school day.

Jennie and Lisa had been a couple for a few years now. Jennie was a Slytherin. They had met on the train on their very first day before they even got sorted into houses. 

"I'm not going to class this morning... I'm dying!" Lisa whined to her best friend, clutching her hands to her cramping area and Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes. 

"Well, I'm leaving now. Feel better Lis!" the tall blonde announced, grabbing her school bag and heading out the door. 

"Can you tell Jen to come up here?" Lisa asked her in a weak voice before her friend was completely out of earshot. 

"Jendeukie!" Chaeyoung yelled loudly while hopping down the stairs. "Your girlfriend is dying!"

Lisa, who heard it, pulled the blanket over her own head. There were footsteps coming up the stairs, getting louder and louder. 

"What's wrong Lili?" Jennie appeared in the doorstep. 

Lisa unveiled her head from the blanket, looking up at her beautiful girlfriend. "I've got cramps... it's really bad, I'm not gonna go to classes today."

Jennie sat down on Lisa's bedsite and leaned down to place a kiss to the Thai's forehead. Naturally she understood instantly what kind of cramps her girlfriend was suffering from. "Poor Lili, I've got some muggle pain killers in my bag if you want?" she offered. 

"I don't know... " Lisa, being a pure blood witch, had never come into contact with Muggle things before she met Jennie. Jennie's parents were both Muggles and she grew up entirely within the Muggle world. Only finding out later that she was a witch. But still Lisa didn't completely trust the things that Jennie showed her Muggles used to get by without magic.

"Do you want me to get a potion for you from the hospital wing?" Jennie suggested, stroking Lisa's hair tentatively. 

"Maybe... but, can you stay here with me this morning and cuddle?" Lisa put on her best puppy dog eyes to persuade her girlfriend. Jennie looked at her very conflicted. She didn't like skipping classes. The Slytherin girl was very uptight about breaking the rules.

"Pleeeeaaaseee Nini!" Lisa whined and snuck her arms out of her blanket, encircling Jennie's waist so it would be harder for her to get away. 

"I'd be missing classes Lis... I could come back later to see you, but I'd get you that potion first of course." Jennie tried but Lisa was persistent.

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