Animagus - Lisa's cat [Part 2]

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Jisoo was worried out of her mind. Jennie must have walked out on the full moon and she wasn't back in her bed the following morning. Jisoo gave her friend the benefit of the doubt and waited for her to show up at classes. She knew that full moon nights were special and that Jennie sometimes spent the night outdoors on those nights but she always came back. 

But when Jisoo heard that Jennie hadn't shown up for her favourite class, Care of Magical Creatures, she got really worried. This had never happened before. She had excused her friend's absence in their shared classes, telling the teachers Jennie was sick. But now, she didn't know what to do. Jennie was missing for a day and a half now and Jisoo was very conflicted about telling the headmistress about it. Because sooner or later she would have to tell her about Jennie being an animagus. An unregistered animagus at that. And Professor McGonagall, being a registered animagus, would more than frown upon that.

Jisoo ditched all of her classes this morning to scan the whole castle looking for Jennie. She just hoped she didn't have to go out into the forbidden forest to find her. When lunchtime came around and Jisoo still hadn't found even the slightest trace of Jennie,  she went down to eat in the Great Halll even though she didn't have an appetite at all. But she had to regroup her thoughts to plan her next move in finding Jennie and eating silently was good for thinking. At least for Jisoo. 

She halfheartedly ate her chicken, her thoughts running a hundred miles per minute.

Where the hell was Jennie? 

Did something happen to her? It must have. Otherwise she would have come back like she always did.

"Hey, excuse me" a soft voice said next to her, pulling her out of her gloomy thoughts. "has your or any of your friend's cat gone missing recently? My friend found one and we don't know who she belongs to."

Jisoo's head snapped up so fast, she gave herself whiplash. She looked into the pretty eyes of Park Chaeyoung who expectantly looked back at her. 

"A cat? You found a cat? What does she look like?" Jisoo grabbed Chaeyoung's wrist and pulled her to sit down next to her. The blonde was a bit taken aback at Jisoo's intensity but complied nevertheless and sat down. 

"She's striped... in grey, white and black. Her eyes are really black. Lisa found her two nights ago. Is she yours?" 

"Thank merlin! Yes, she's my... familiar. She didn't come back after the full moon. I looked everywhere for her!" Jisoo was almost in tears. Chaeyoung patted her back, seeing Jisoo's obvious distress. 

"You must love her very much."

"She's... my best friend!" Jisoo sobbed before she wiped away her tears, feeling incredibly relieved. She realized how weird that sounded and added "in a way..."

But Chaeyoung seemed to understand anyway. She nodded. "You can come with me to pick her up. Lisa is going to be a bit sad though... I think she fell in love with her a little..." the Hufflepuff girl laughed. 


Jisoo went up to the Hufflepuff dorms with Chaeyoung. The blonde girl was continuously talking to her but Jisoo could hardly concentrate on what she was saying. She was worried all over again that this cat wasn't Jennie after all. Because why the heck would Jennie not just change back into her human form and come home? 

Jisoo thought that maybe it was because Lisa of all people had found her. She knew about Jennie's out of control crush on Lisa Manoban. Maybe she chose to stay with her crush for a couple of days. But that level of irresponsibility and selfishness didn't sound like Jennie at all.

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