Slytherins are great pretenders [Part 6]

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Waking up with Jennie cuddled against her in her own bed in the Hufflepuff dorm is weird, but nice. Lisa opens her eyes sleepily to come face to face with a sleeping Jennie. She stretches her body slightly, careful not to disturb the other girl. She feels a soft hand under her shirt, resting on her bare skin right under her breasts. Jennie must have snuck it up there during the night. Sneaky little thing. It makes Lisa shiver and all the feelings she harbours for the Slytherin girl suddenly come up and threaten to overpower her. 

Lisa sneaks a look over to the other bed but finds it empty. Jisoo and Chaeyoung must have already gotten up. Good. The Hufflepuff girl turns her body slightly so she can press her lips on Jennie's face. She starts careful and slow, kissing all over her perfect features until the girl starts to stirr. She opts for her lips a couple of times. Only small pecks. Jennie's lips start to curl upwards into a soft smile and Lisa feels Jennie's fingertips sliding up the side of her waist. 

Lisa pecks her lips two more times before Jennie curls her other hand around Lisa's neck and pulls her on top of herself completely. Jennie still has her eyes closed but Lisa knows she's awake. Lisa's body slides in between Jennie's legs and the brunette pulls her face down. It's one hell of a good morning kiss. A good morning kiss that turns into a heated make-out session as soon as Jennie's hands start wandering on Lisa's body. Lisa soon learns that Jennie craves skin to skin contact and Lisa is not one to deny her.

Lisa lets herself fully enjoy Jennie's warm hands and lips and her soft tongue, licking at her neck but when things get too heated, Lisa knows there are only two options. Throw caution to the wind and sleep with Jennie or stop what they're doing now before anyone gets seriously hurt. They still need to talk. Jennie needs to tell her everything that happened at her parents house and Lisa needs a little more clarity about what they are to each other and how they are going to proceed. And even though ripping Jennie's clothes off and just going for it, does seem very very appealing to Lisa at the moment, she is a sensible person after all and knows it won't do them much good to rush into things like that. 

Besides, Jennie is engaged. So technically, what they are doing at this very moment, could be considered cheating. Technically...

Lisa goes in for one last kiss before she separates herself from Jennie besides the latter's persistent pulling on her neck. When Lisa doesn't give in though she opens her eyes to look at her.

"Lili, come back." she bats her eyelashes at Lisa with a sensual look in her dark eyes. Lisa has a hard time resisting. She shakes her head slightly with an apologetic smile. 

"Jisoo or Chaeyoung might walk in on us" she lies. She knows neither of them would dare to. And if they really needed something, they would knock first, knowing they left Lisa and Jennie alone up here. Together. In the same bed.

Jennie rolls her eyes hardcore at Lisa like old times and Lisa has to laugh a little. "How does breakfast sound?" Lisa asks. 

"Sounds good, I guess." Jennie replies and lets herself be pulled out of the bed by Lisa's hand. They change into new clothes before they go down to join the other two. Jennie doesn't bother hiding her perfect figure from Lisa while she changes. It makes Lisa regret her decision a little not to sleep with Jennie too soon. Knowing the feisty Slytherin girl, it's probably the exact reason she did it for.

When they come down the stairs into the common room together holding hands, they are surprised by what they see. There's a full breakfast, set for four people on the low coffee table in front of the fireplace.

"Oh thank god, you're done!" Jisoo greets them wiggling her eyebrows at Lisa. Chaeyoung slaps her arm real hard and corrects her friend. "She means thank god you're awake."

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