7 Minutes in Heaven [M] [Part 1]

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Three-part short story

Lisa: Gryffindor, star Quidditch player, badass

Jennie: Ravenclaw, very shy, has a huge crush on Lisa


Jennie's POV:

"Come on Jen, play! It's fun!" My best friend Chaeyoung, aka Rosie, nudged me playfully. We were at the Quidditch team's annual Beginning-of-the-season party. Chaeng really loved these kinds of things. She was a happy and outgoing person who had no problem to talk to strangers at parties. Not like me. I did not feel at home at random parties with too many people that made me nervous. 

Chaeng had literally dragged me here tonight. She had said we couldn't miss the biggest party of the year. All of the Quidditch players at Hogwarts were insanely popular and everyone wanted to attend their parties. Not me. But here I was.

A big group of people sat in a circle on the floor, ready to play spin the bottle or some other dumb game that hormonal teenagers liked to play. I had already watched my best friend make out with the Slytherin Quidditch captain on a dare. I really had no intention on playing this game but Chaeng was relentless.

"Sit down Jen! You're probably not even gonna be chosen." she pulled me down by my hand. 

"I'm not kissing anybody!" I hissed at her fiercly while sitting down next to her. Chaeng just chuckled and patted my thigh. 

She was right. There were so many people, the bottle would probably miss me a couple of rounds and then I'd make my escape.

A strange feeling came over me. Like someone was watching me. I looked up and searched around the circle of people but nobody seemed to take much notice of me. The bottle was spun again. It landed on a blonde Slytherin girl who was instantly presented with the dare to kiss the person at the bottle's end. And she did without further ado. Like kissing someone didn't mean much to her. It was a game after all. 

"Wassup, wassup, wassup! Can we play?" We heard the voice of non other than Kim Jisoo, Gryffindor Quidditch team captain. All eyes went up to her. And right next to her stood her star player, Gryffindor chaser and ultimate heartthrob, Lalisa Manoban.

"Jichu, Lis where have you been? I've been looking for you earlier!" RM boomed with his deep loud voice and motioned them to sit down within the circle.

"Drinking! Where have you been?" Jisoo deadpanned and smirked at him.

My eyes went from Jisoo to Lisa and I was taken aback when I realized that the tall Thai girl already had her eyes on me. I quickly looked down at my hands again but I could still feel her looking at me. Why was she looking at me?

She was so gorgeous though in her black skinny jeans and the black crop top with a print of the Weird Sisters Band on it. Her long ravenblack hair cascaded down in gentle waves and her eyes were deep and dark. 

Lisa wasn't a woman of many words. She spoke through actions. If it was on the Quidditch field or in classes. She had come out as gay in her fourth year and ever since then, always had a different girl dangling from her arm. But she never had a steady girlfriend as far as the school gossips knew. 

Even though I was shy, I had managed to find out that I was bisexual and had therefore, like so many other girls at Hogwarts, developed a huge crush on Lalisa Manoban. Absolutely hopeless though because why would Lalisa Manoban ever look at me!? She was just a nice fantasy to get lost in from time to time. Daydreaming about her being my girlfriend, her being sweet to me, protecting me at night with her strong lean arms. But I knew that that wasn't the real Lisa. 

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