The Yule ball

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It is Lisa and Jisoo's fifth year at Hogwarts. As of this year, Jisoo was proudly appointed Gryffindor Quidditch team captain while Lisa keeps her role as the star seeker of the team. Dreamteam Lisoo flying together since their second year and they couldn't be happier about it.

Lisa is over the moon that her best friend finally got the captain's position. Quidditch practice had always been fun but now that her BFF was the boss, it got even better. With Lisa acting as Jisoo's right-hand-woman. 

The only thing that manages to dampen their moods, is the fact that christmas is fast approaching this year. And with christmas comes the one and only Yule ball. 

It is tradition for the Quidditch teams of Hogwarts to open the ball with a formal dance. Students from fifth year and up are expected to find a partner to dance with. A date, so to speak. It is, after all, school tradition. And for Lisa and Jisoo it is the first time they are confronted with this problem.

Being a Quidditch player's date to the Yule ball is something highly prestigious and girls as well as boys are known to fight over the affections of the players. 

For Lisa and Jisoo though, this tradition sparks nothing but pure anxiety. 

"Another one asked me today." Lisa rolls her eyes, annoyed as she meets up with Jisoo in the Gryffindor common room. 

"Yeah, me too... two even..." Jisoo sighs back.

"They get more aggressive too..." Lisa lets herself fall into an armchair by the fire exhaustedly.

The two besties look at each other. "What are we going to do? We have to take somebody..."

Jisoo stares at Lisa for a minute, gathering her thoughts. "What if we just ask them?" Her voice just above a careful whisper. As if the dark-haired girl can't believe herself she just said those words.

"What? Are you insane?" Lisa shoots back immediately with wide eyes, even pushing herself off her armchair a little. She knows exactly who Jisoo is talking about. "It's.... ugh.... we can't..."

"What is the worst that can happen?" Jisoo leans forward now, trying to be diplomatic, nudging her best friend with big eyes.

"I don't know... they tell us to fuck off... they think we're disgusting or something... they tell the whole school that we're not... normal..." Lisa lists off on her fingers, glaring at her dark-haired friend.

Jisoo huffs frustratedly, burrying her face in her hands. "But I don't want to go to this thing with a guy, Lisa!"

"Yeah, no shit? Me neither."

They sit by each other in silence for a little while, just hanging on to their thoughts and staring into the fire. The Yule ball is in one week and neither Jisoo, nor Lisa has managed to score a date. Not because there is a lack of offers. No. Definitely not. 

They are just the wrong kind of offers for the two Gryffindor girls. 

Not one person who asked Lisa or Jisoo is a possible choice for either girl to go with. But both of them are way too chicken to go for the ones they actually want to go with. Not to mention that it would probably cause a riot amongst students once they find out.

"She does look at you sometimes during class, you know..." Jisoo speaks up again. Lisa's head snaps towards her, heart beating fast instantly at the mere mention of her crush. 

"She does not!"

"You should just ask her." Jisoo shrugs, biting her lip and staring at Lisa openly.

The tall blonde shakes her head, scandalized. She can't just ask the pretty Ravenclaw brunette from potions class to go to the ball with her. The girl would just be weirded out probably. As far as Jisoo and Lisa know, there are no girls at Hogwarts who prefer girls over boys except for them. Nobody had ever made any comment or hint towards such a preference. 

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