Slytherins are great pretenders [Final Part 7]

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It's the day before classes start up again and all Hogwarts students are coming back to school after enjoying the holidays with their families. It's usually a happy day. Friends are reuniting, showing each other what they got for Christmas, everybody is excited for the next Quidditch game and for spring to come around and bring warmer temperatures.

This year, it's a day filled with anxiety for Lisa because Jennie has to move back to her own dorm in the Slytherin quarters and has to face her fiancé to tell him she doesn't want to marry him.

Also Lisa dreads the first night she has to spend without Jennie. It's only been a week since they agreed to be with each other, but that week has been pure bliss. They'd been deep in their own little loved up bubble, not worrying about what was to come and what they had to face but now... they had to face it.

Jisoo also has to leave the Hufflepuff dorm and go back to her Gryffindor classmates. Chaeyoung is a bit sad though because she says she had gotten so used to having Jisoo next to her at night. Somehow Chaeyoung is Jisoo's platonic wife after all and let's face it, they do cuddle at night too. Maybe not the way Jennie and Lisa do, but still.

Jennie wanted to take Kai out for a walk around the snowy grounds to make sure she could do this without people watching. Without having to humiliate him any further. And that's exactly what she is doing now while Lisa is anxiously waiting for her in the Great Hall. She wants to be near if Jennie needs her. Chaeyoung and Jisoo agreed to keep her company. They are playing their new card game but Lisa can hardly concentrate and keeps loosing.

Jennie's POV :

Jennie was able to convince Kai to take a walk with her and here they were, walking on the forest path around the almost completely frozen Black Lake. Jennie has her hands stuffed in the pockets of her winter coat. She has the ring with her but it's not on her finger. It falls around loosely in one of her coat pockets and she nervously plays with it.

"Do you know how humiliating it was to have you run out on our party like this? The things you said to your parents!" Kai scoffs at her coldly.

Jennie frowns a little "Aren't you sick of them planning out your life for you? Don't you want to decide for yourself what you want to do and when and where you want to do it? And most importantly who you want to be with?"

He looks at her, eyes narrowed. "I never had a problem with them pushing me towards you. You're a great match for me Jen and I don't know why you act like this all of a sudden!"

"Fucking hell Kai, don't you get it?" she slightly falls back into old patterns "I am fucking done letting them control my life!"

"You can't just decide that, you have a family reputation to uphold, just like me. I don't know what your problem is!"

"Fuck family reputation!" Jennie curses and she laughs a little inside, knowing the disapproving look Chaeyoung would give her with all this cursing. It was weird how in the one week she spent with Lisa and her friends, they had become somewhat of a quirky little family to her. Much more than her own family ever was since Ella died.

"Jen, if you're just scared about leaving Hogwarts and living in the real world, I get it. It's gonna be different. But we'll be ok! We're well off. We have a house ready to move into and if you don't want to get a ministry job, I don't care. You can choose your own job or no job... whatever!" He tries. He moves to take Jennie's hand but realizes she has them burried in her pockets.

"It's not about being scared to leave Hogwarts, it's... I can't... marry you Kai... I'm sorry!" Jennie finally lets out with her eyes on the ground. She does feel a little bad for Kai. He just got caught in the middle of this all. He can't really be blamed.

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