7 Minutes in Heaven [Part 3]

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Jennie's POV:

"Can I see you again?"  Lisa asked me, staring at me with her deep eyes. She was still holding me and I felt her hands fidget with the hem of my shirt, as if she was nervous. But that couldn't be, right?  Lalisa Manoban wouldn't get nervous in front of me, would she?

My mind went into overdrive. I couldn't believe I was here with her like this. I couldn't believe I let her take my virginity on a desk in an empty transfiguration classroom. I had to admit, she was the person I had wanted to do it with, but it hadn't been the right time or place. But it was done now. Over. And I didn't know what to think because here she stood, still in between my legs, her arms around me, asking if she could see me again.

My head was reeling because the way Lisa had acted with me, wasn't at all what I heard from numerous girls who had been with her. She had been slow and soft with me. Not demanding anything I wasn't willing to give. And it made my heart swell. Did she tell me the truth when she said she couldn't stop thinking about me?

Naturally, ever since that night in the broom closet, I couldn't stop thinking about her either but I had tried my best to get over it and not look at her too much because I thought this had just been a one-time thing. A glimpse at heaven. I couldn't afford to get my hopes up only to be shot down and be lovesick over her for weeks.

"Lisa, I... I know your... lifestyle... and I don't want to be one of many..." I took all my courage to tell her outfront. Her dark eyes frowned again but it was so very hard to read the emotions behind them.

She swallowed audibly. "You're definitely not one of many..." she said quietly, brushing a strand of my hair out of my face. Again with the sweet acts. I didn't know what to think. "I've never done what I did for you for any other girls before..."

"What? Have sex with them in a classroom? You gotta be lying!" I laughed out disbelievingly. 

"No. Let you cum on my tongue." she said and my face flushed hot and bright red at her words. She was so unashamed about it. "I mean, of course I've licked a little bit for foreplay or for teasing but I've never actually let anyone c-"

I cut her off, clamping her mouth shut with my hand, shaking my head violently. "Too. much. information. Please stop!"

Her hand shot up to grab my wrist and I felt her lips kiss the inside of my palm. I pulled my hand away abruptly. She smirked at me. I couldn't let her get to me! Of course, she already had, but I couldn't let her get any further than this. 

I had a huge crush on her, yes! And I had enjoyed the sex with her. BUT, I didn't trust her. I didn't know her enough to be able to tell if she was serious. 

"I'm a relationship girl, I can't have casual sex with you until you get bored of me and throw me away like so many before me. I want a partner. A commited, loving partner." I had no idea why I was telling her this. It was not like I thought she would throw herself at my knees and beg to be my one and only. I was not special enough to be Lalisa Manoban's one and only. I knew that.

"Look... I know, I don't have the best... track record, but..." she exhaled shakily, looking up briefly before settling her hypnotizing doe eyes back on me. "I'd really like to get to know you..." she stared at me deeply. Why was her staring so sexy?

"So what do you say?"

I bit my bottom lip and I saw her watching the movement with slightly open lips. It was so tempting to lean in once more. Make out a little bit more. She was such a good kisser. 

"Get to know each other?" I asked and she nodded. "No casual sex!" I pointed my finger at her.

"No casual sex." she confirmed but I saw her eyes flicker amused. 

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