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homesick Lisa [Gryffindor]
caring Jennie [Gryffindor]


Lisa had always been a Mama's girl. She loved her Mum. Being away from her had always been hard for her. Going to Hogwarts on her own at the age of eleven was absolutely nervwrecking for the young Thai girl. During her first few months at Hogwarts, Lisa had silently cried herself to sleep almost every night.

It wasn't like she was alone. She had her childhood friend Park Chaeyoung, who also got sorted into Gryffindor. And she even had a brand new friend. Kim Jisoo. However neither of them was able to really  help Lisa. They were there for her constantly during those first hard months. Distracting her with fun things to do, hugging her a lot. Talking to each other about also missing their families and their siblings who weren't old enough yet to come to Hogwarts with them.

But at night, Lisa was on her own. 

When the homesick feeling wouldn't stop after a few months, Lisa resorted to hiding her sadness as well as she could. She didn't want her friends to know that she still hadn't quite adapted. Also she didn't want them to worry about her.

The first christmas break came and went and Lisa was more anxious than ever to board the Hogwarts Express, going back to school. After having seen her Mum and Dad and being back in her childhood home, the feeling of missing them came back stronger than ever as soon as the train started moving. Lisa felt like crying nonstop but surpressed it all the way back to Hogwarts. She pretended to read while Chaeyoung and Jisoo bickered about something and discussed all the hot guys on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Lisa didn't think that any of them were hot, but whatever.

"Jackson is definitely the hottest, you cannot say otherwise!" Chaeyoung squealed with a wild look at Jisoo, daring her to contradict her.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "My vote stays with Jungkook!"

"What?" the tall blonde girl exclaimed unbelievingly. "Kookie is gay, Jisoo!"

"He is?"

"Yes, he is! I heard he has something going on with Jimin from the Hufflepuff team!" Chaeyoung told her, nodding her head profusely.

Jisoo just shrugged. "Doesn't matter if he's gay or not, he's still the hottest one!"

"But I thought we were discussing boys we want to kiss? You can't kiss a gay guy, he won't like it!" Chaeyoung schooled Jisoo with wide eyes.

"Ok fine... then I'll pick... J-Hope!" 

"Lisa! Your pick?" her best friend asked. Lisa looked at them bewildered. 

"Pick what?" she asked quietly.

"Pick a guy from the Quidditch team, you want to kiss!" Jisoo told her impatiently, wanting to hear Lisa's answer.

Lisa began to stutter. They were eleven years old, why did those two talk about kissing guys? "I don't know..."

"You don't really have to kiss any of them! Just tell us who you would kiss if you could!"

"Uhm..." Lisa thought about all the guys on the Gryffindor team. Going from face to face in her head, she didn't want to kiss any of them. "I don't...-"

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