Room of Requirement [Part 1]

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Author: Welcome to another Hogwarts  / Blackpink short story!!! I know this first chapter is short but I have a surprise for you guys at the end ;)


The first time Jennie Kim flirted with Lisa Manoban was in their fifth year. And it wasn't under the best kind of circumstances. At all. 

It was a saturday night. 

Almost every Hogwarts student from the third year and up had spent this sunny saturday in Hogsmeade, drinking butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks or browsing the shops until they had to be back in the castle in time for dinner. 

Fifth years and older students had a different curfew. They were allowed to stay out until 11pm until they were expected safe and sound in their dorms. Those saturday nights in Hogsmeade were often used as date opportunities amongst Hogwarts' teenage population.

That particular saturday though, Jennie did not have a date. Far from it. She had been busy getting really drunk in the Hog's Head Pub. Her Nockturn Alley fake ID had helped her cause, tricking the barkeeper into believing she was seventeen already with an illegal charm. The Slytherin girl knew that she would be in a shitload of trouble if that ID ever got confiscated by a professor.

"Kid! You really have to go now! Don't you have to be at the castle at midnight or something?" The barkeeper ushered a drunk Jennie to the door. 

She didn't get very far though. 

Jennie had managed to start walking towards the castle but mid-way she decided, she didn't want to walk anymore. Walking was stupid! So she just sat down on the ground with her back towards the mid-high stone wall that lined the road on both sides. Right next to a lantern that was surrounded by little glowing pixies from the forest who had been lured in by the light.

Jennie just kept watching them zigzag around the lantern in her trance-like state.


Lisa never usually stayed out this late but the Care for Magical Creatures shop had been shortstaffed today and the Hufflepuff girl liked to help out. It was something like her student job to earn a little extra cash, that she could spend on stupid things. Although they had closed the shop at eight, her and her colleagues had gone to the three broomsticks for dinner and butterbeers. 

They had fun chatting the night away and Lisa almost completely lost track of time. It was so unlike her! So after a shocked glance at her muggle watch her father had gifted her, she quickly bid her goodbyes and rushed outside to get back to the castle in time. Lisa's mother was a witch who had fallen in love with a muggle, who she married quite quickly after falling in love. Consequently Lisa had grown up with the best of both worlds. Muggle technology and her mother's quirky way of sneakily using her magic in the muggle world. Unseen by any neighours of course!

Love, Lisa's pygmy puff was bouncing on her shoulder as the Hufflepuff girl walked briskly down the pebbled path towards the castle. She often brought Love along when she worked in the shop so he could bond with other creatures there. Love was a sociable little thing.

It was quite a long walk back to Hogwarts, so Lisa knew she had to be fast in order not to get into trouble. She did not expect however to run into a seemingly disoriented Jennie Kim, sitting by the road and watching a bunch of glow pixies as if it was the most fascinating thing. 

Lisa couldn't help but stop because the look in Jennie's eyes clearly suggested that something about the girl was off. 

"Jennie?" Lisa stepped up to the Slytherin girl on the ground, trying to talk to her.

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