Slytherins are great pretenders [Part 3]

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"Manoban! What a horrible surprise!" Jennie slurrs and comes closer. She stumbles when she is almost next to Lisa and Lisa's hand shoots out automatically to steady Jennie, but the girl swats her away.

"Hey there Kim." Lisa greets her cautiously.

"Shouldn't you be in there dancing with your girlfriend?" Jennie asks her with hard eyes and takes a swig from the whiskey bottle when she steadies herself on the banister next to Lisa.

Lisa eyes her from the side. "What girlfriend?"

"The blonde... what's her face... Park Chaeyoung?" Jennie sways on the spot. "I always thought she was straight."

"She's not my girlfriend." Lisa tells her and she feels her cheeks heat up and it's not from the alcohol.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Lisa turns facing Jennie now. Jennie eyes her up and down before focusing on Lisa's face. Was Jennie Kim just checking her out? It couldn't be. Lisa thinks, she must be drunker than she thought.

"He's not my boyfriend... not really anyway.." Jennie shrugs nonchalantly.

"What? I thought..." Lisa eyes her curiously.

"I let you in on a little secret Manoban..." Jennie breathes and leans forward just a tiny bit. Her breath is pure firewhiskey. She holds the bottle out for Lisa. "...if you drink with me!" There's a challenging look in her eyes and the small girl is closer to Lisa than she can handle at the moment.

Lisa lifts a shaky hand to take the bottle out of Jennie's hands and takes a small sip. The Hufflepuff girl pulls a face at the sudden burning in her throat. Jennie just chuckles, watching her.

"Kai is not my type... at all." the Slytherin girl tells Lisa making eye contact again. She then closes her hand around Lisa's hand that is holding the bottle. Jennie guides the bottle to her mouth drinking from it before letting go again. Lisa's heartbeat is in her throat and if she didn't know any better she would think that Jennie is coming on to her.

"Then why... does everyone think you're a couple...?" Lisa asks a little breathless.

"Parents." Jennie pushes at the whiskey bottle with a finger, commanding Lisa to drink. Lisa does.

"They had us picked out for each other the moment we were born. We're supposed to get married when... we graduate..." Jennie sighs.

"They're gonna... m- make you marry someone you don't even like?" Lisa asks horrified. Her head is so fuzzy right now, she finds it hard to form a sentence.

She hands Jennie the bottle and watches her take a big gulp. Jennie closes her eyes and shudders at the burning sensation. Everything about the pretty but closed-off Slytherin girl feels so different tonight. It's probably the fact that they are both drunk but Lisa feels drawn to her more than ever. Jennie's hazy eyes look at her dangerously.

"I won't let them" Jennie whispers resolutely before turning her whole body towards Lisa and taking a step closer. "Drink up Lisa." she tells the taller girl in a low voice and pushes the bottle at her while taking another step forward, placing her hand on Lisa's forearm that is leaned on the stone banister. Lisa takes a big drink not letting her eyes stray from Jennie's dark ones. There's a heavy tension in the air. Jennie takes the bottle back and empties it before letting it fall to the ground. Miraculously, it doesn't break. Jennie's eyes are heavy on Lisa.

Lisa has enough. Her brain shuts off and all her body tells her to do, is grab Jennie and kiss her senseless. Lisa moves fast. She closes the little distance that is left between them. She snakes one arm around Jennie's waist and the other curls around the back of her neck pulling the girl towards her and smashing their faces together.

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