Slytherins are great pretenders [Part 5]

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"Promise you'll write to me!" Jennie sniffs with tears in her eyes looking up at Lisa. 

They are standing in front of the door of the room they spent last night in. Nothing more than kissing and cuddling happened but both of them know now that there are feelings involved. On both sides. Jennie has to go back to the Slytherin dorm though so she can catch the last train to Seoul with Kai. 

"I'll write you every day. I promise!" Lisa wraps her up in another hug. 

"I'll miss you..." she hears Jennie murmur against her chest and feels her place a soft kiss to her skin. 

"I'll miss you too..."

Lisa takes a deep breath. So much has happened last night. So many revelations, so many truths, so many tears. There has been a big shift in the dynamic between Jennie and her. And it had left Lisa a little overwhelmed. 

"We'll figure this out when you come back after the holidays, alright?" Lisa adds and holds her even tighter. 

"Kiss me one more time please!" Jennie asks, lifting her face towards Lisa. The taller girl complies instantly, lowering her face until she meets Jennie's sweet lips in a firm kiss. Lisa moves her lips against Jennie's like she's sending her off to war. It kind of feels like it. 

Lisa lets Jennie go with a heavy heart and watches until she disappears from her view before she heads back up to the Hufflepuff dorm. She is sure that Jisoo and Chaeyoung are still sleeping. But they would surely jump at her with a thousand questions once they were awake. Lisa doesn't really have the head for it at the moment. 

While walking up the stairs in the faint morning light, Lisa thinks about everything Jennie told her last night. About her parents forcing her to graduate in various subjects that Jennie doesn't even like in order for her to eventually get a job she doesn't want, and getting married to a man that she doesn't feel any attraction towards because she isn't into men at all. Jennie had managed to keep up the facade of the beautiful Slytherin Queen Bitch who had everything she wanted and everyone at her feet for a really long time. 

But it all came crashing down last night. And Lisa was willing to pick up the pieces. Her feelings for the dark haired Slytherin girl had gotten even stronger, knowing all these things about her. Finally understanding why she acted the way she did and getting to see what the real Jennie was like. Gentle and soft and broken inside. But with a strong mind to overcome everything that was thrown at her.

They haven't specified what they were to each other. It didn't seem important last night. The most important thing for Lisa was to help Jennie calm down and make her feel safe. They had talked a lot last night, between kisses. Jennie had told Lisa a little more about her sister. Happy memories and stuff like that. And she had been asking Lisa questions about herself, showing sincere interest in the Hufflepuff girl and making an effort in getting to know her more. 

Lisa walks into the Hufflepuff common room yawning and making a straight beeline for her dorm. She finds both her friends sleeping next to each other in Chaeyoung's bed. They figured that since they were spending the holidays together they wanted Jisoo to stay with them in the Hufflepuff dorm. The beds were big enough for two slender girls anyway. And also they weren't bothering anyone since their other Hufflepuff room mates where all at home with their families.

Lisa gets into her own bed and sighs deeply. Her thoughts are with Jennie before she falls asleep.


The days leading up to Christmas are relaxed and fun for the trio. Jisoo likes to play games. All kinds of games and she is good at them. She tries to teach Wizard Chess to Lisa and Chaeyoung but only the tall blonde really gets into it. Lisa forfits early on. She doesn't have the head for a game like this right now. She'd rather go outside and play a friendly round of one-on-one Quidditch with her Gryffindor friend. But it's consistently snowing outside so flying is out of the question. Neither of them wants to get ill in this weather. 

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