Dragon Elite Team VS Dragon Troop

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Luna turned her head to the sound of the dirt door sliding open. She saw Sebastian walking inside.

Luna had already been given her Dragon Troop uniform, and Lime got a harness around his neck that bore the symbol of the Dragon Elite team.

Sebastian said, "Hello-" and cut off when he saw Luna. "You're... part of the troop now?"

Luna nodded her head proudly.

"Very well... We will give Lime and you much training to handle monsters," Sebastian said. "Are you better with the bow, swords, or guns?"  

"Bow," Luna said immediately. She practiced archery for a long time, and now she is an expert at it.

Sebastian handed her a bow and a quiver full of arrows. "Good. These are your weapons now. remember: defend the city, defeat the Dragon Elite team!"

Luna nodded. Her life was now with the Dragon Troop, and she was never going to make them disappointed.

Lime said, "Luna already knows how to use the bow." Lime nodded to Luna and Luna nodded back.

"Okay, then. I will-" Sebastian started. 

BOOM! CRACK! The thundering sound of battle interrupted Sebastian.

"Oh well. Good luck, we are off! Follow Isabella, okay?" Arnold told them urgently. Behind him, all of the other members grabbed their weapons, packed some food, and grabbed grenades, bombs, and gas producers, and rushed towards the sliding dirt door. Sebastian ran into the built-in stable and released all of the dragons. 

"Dragons, stay with your owners, and try your best to live the longest as you can!" Sebastian yelled. 

Isabella opened the door, and everyone piled out. There is a suck-up slide beside the slide that Luna went down on, and when Isabella sat on it, she got sucked up into the slide. Arnold told her, "Don't lose sight of Isabella, and always stick to my side! Go after me!" After saying that, he sat on the slide and got sucked up.

Luna's heart pounded when it was her turn. After she got sucked up she would be in the first battle of her life. 

Luna sat on the slide and she got sucked up. Immediately Arnold was there and caught her. Lime flew out of the dragon exit. After saying a quick "thank you!" to Arnold, both of them went to their dragons and flew off.

"Let's fly higher and see what is happening!" Sebastian yelled to everyone. A huge flock of dragons rose up into the air, and Luna saw what was happening. 

"Which side of Drastopia are we in?" Luna yelled. 

Everyone yelled back, "East! We must defend Drastopia!"

Luna gasped as she saw a huge monster that was shaped like a rhino. It was charging towards them, roaring and lowering its huge horn. 

"Attack!" Isabella yelled, and soon Luna found herself holding the bow in her hand with an arrow strung on it, ready to fire. 

Luna freed the hand that was holding the rope and the arrow streaked forward, burying its head in the rhino's side. The rhino whined and trampled around, crushing more houses as it turned.

"STOP! THAT MONSTER IS OUR PREY!" A voice thundered.

The Dragon troop turned around and saw another group of dragons flying towards them, their yellow capes fluttering in the wind. The leader of the group was a man dressed in all shades of yellow. He held a long sword in front of him, and he was ready to jump off his dragon and slice the rhino's head. 

Isabella yelled, "It's the Dragon Elite Team!" The Dragon Troop's green capes fluttered as a strong wind blasted them. Behind the Dragon Elite Team, there was a huge elephant monster, trumpeting and blasting them with the wind with its long trunk. 

Isabella shot back at the man, "FINE, EDWARD! YOU HAVE THAT RHINO, I HAVE THAT ELEPHANT!" 

Two teams dashed opposite sides. Luna nodded to Lime, and Lime blasted green fire at the elephant. All of the other dragons saw it, and they also blasted multi-colored fire. The elephant roared and stomped towards them. Luna jumped off Lime and activated her Flame-Shoes.

Fire blasted out from her shoes, and she flew up into the air. "DIE, ELEPHANT!" Luna yowled. I loved elephants until the last elephant was killed for its horns... But... This elephant is a monster, not a real elephant! That brought tears to her eyes as she drew an arrow from her quiver, set the bow up, and fired. The arrow stabbed through the monster's heart, the monster gasped and collapsed. The entire dragon troop turned and looked at her.

"Um, yeah...?" Luna winced. 

But every Dragon Troop member cheered, "Yay! One down, uh, one hundred to go?" 

Luna felt pride zipped through her body, and she knew that her heart was with the Dragon Troop now. 

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