Dragon School and Back

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Luna and Lime walked into the school. Dragons sat everywhere with their owners, talking and laughing, people sat down and read some books. It was very noisy. Lime muttered, scooping Luna onto his back, and walked towards the gliding tunnel. Many dragons were already there, gliding towards their classrooms with their owners on their backs, zipping through brightly lit connecting tunnels. On the walls, there are art and direction signs. 

Lime took his position at one of the rectangle platforms. In total, there are five platforms, and every dragon and owner has to line up at one. The platform was red, which means he had to wait. The dragon in front of them leaped off about 10 seconds ago, and they had to wait 15 seconds before they could go. 

Suddenly, the platform underneath them glowed green, and Lime flared his wings open and dashed on the platform, and flew off. The cold wind of the tunnels pressed against them, but Lime's strong and steady wings carried them across the tunnel. 

"Remember, Lime, our classroom is 617!" Luna snorted. Lime rolled his eyes and said, "yeah, yeah. I know." 

Lime turned right at the sixth turn and flew past seventeen doors. Then he stopped at an emerald green door and pushed it open. Inside, it was their classroom.

"Hello!" Their teacher, Ivory, flew up. Ivory is a Chinese dragon, all-white except for her green frills. 

Luna bowed. "Good morning, Ivory." Lime dipped his head, and Ivory gave them a nod of approval. 

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"Finally! We're back home!" Luna sighed. She was crumpled on the bed, rolling around and around. 

"Yes." Lime sighed, curling up in his corner, where there was a soft, dragon bed with dragon plushies on it. 

"You're back! Here is some hot chocolate..."  Their mom handed them some hot chocolate. 

"Thank you- AARG!" Luna screeched. Chunks of metal fell from the ceiling, and soon they could see the blue sky. "The ceiling is falling apart!" 

The ground was swaying under their feet. "GOD! IS THIS THE DRAGON TROOPS BATTLING THE DRAGON ELITE TEAM ON OUR GROUND?!" Lime yelled.

The people and the dragon scrambled in the dirty debris. "Hold on there, there is an Earthquake happening now!" A strong voice cried. The trio looked up and saw a golden dragon peeking over the what-used-to-be-the-roof. "We will pull you out slowly! Don't worry!" A man popped in with his dragon. 

"Are you from the Dragon Troop?" Luna gasped. The man nodded his head and yelled over his shoulder, "Hurry up! The citizens are in trouble!" Luna heard the sound of flapping wings and running footsteps. 

Luna touched her head. Her vision was blurry, and her left ear is useless now. It could hear nothing but buzzing sounds. 

Lime roared, "Is everyone else safe?" Lime huffed as the golden dragon and the person put a harness around his wings and body.

"I don't know, really... All of the houses are broken." The person replied with a grave look in his eyes.

"Oh!" Luna cried. "Today in school, Ivory taught us about earthquakes! There are two waves, the S wave and the P wave! The P wave is fast and strong, and the shock we felt just now was the P wave! The S wave is coming, it is more strong and rocks the ground! Hurry, it will come in a few seconds!" Luna struggled as the person put the harness around her. 

"Hurry, Sebastian! The girl is right; the S wave is an 's' shaped wave that bounces from side to side, rocking the earth stronger than the P wave! With my estimation tab, the S wave is coming in twenty seconds! When the S wave comes, the standing remains of this house will bury us all alive! HURRY!" A man behind the person yelled. 

Sebastian screeched, "HARNESS ATTACHED!" The people on top of the standing remains hauled with all of their might. Luna felt herself slowly lift up into the air. 

"Mom!" She cried. Her mom gasped for breath as more rocks fell around her. 

"IT'S TOO LATE!"Sebastian gasped. 

The ground began to rock, shaking the remains of the building. "MOM!" Luna screeched as the rocks began to fall. Luna lunged forwards - but Sebastian held her back. "I'm sorry! There is no hope left ... Yeeks!" Luna had kicked him and tried to run to her mother, but Sebastian caught her again. "STOP! LET ME GO!" Luna cried, tears streaming down her face, reaching her hand out to her mother's hand.  Sebastian yelled at the top of his lungs, "ARNOLD!"

"Commander!" A young man came forward, riding a neon yellow dragon. The dragon looked strong enough to carry another small dragon. Sebastian stepped forward, holding Luna's arm, and shouted, "Carry this girl to safety, now!" 

Arnold nodded and grabbed Luna and yelled at the dragon, "Neon, carry this green dragon, now!" Neon, the bright yellow dragon dipped his head and scooped Lime onto his back. 

"NO! MOTHER!" Luna cried, as Arnold jumped onto Neon with her and Neon took off into the sky. Their mother sobbed as she saw her daughter fly away. Sebastian murmured something to her and saluted, then flew away on his dragon. 

"NO! MOM! I'M COMING!" Luna tried to jump up, but Arnold was holding her very tight.

The last of her mom that Luna saw was her hand reaching out to her and opening her mouth to say something, but then rocks crashed onto her. 

"MOM!" Luna gasped, then fell back into tears. 

Lime let a tear roll down his cheek.

Arnold said nothing, and the small group of people flew into the untrusting sunset.

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