Luna & Lime

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"I don't want to go to Dragon's Peace School!" Luna dashed away from her chasing mother. Lime, her small green dragon, waited for her at the cliff's edge. Luna's mother didn't have a dragon - that made Luna happy. With a dragon, she could escape from her mother, and fly in the air. But she had to go to Dragon's Peace School, a school that teaches peace and wisdom. "I want to fight with the Dragon Troops!" Luna yelled, jumping on Lime. Lime flapped his wings and lifted off into the air. 

"Luna, come back here!" Her mother snarled, pointing at the ground in front of her. Luna didn't want to go, she just wanted to learn fighting movements with the dragon troops. 

"Actually," Lime opened his mouth and sighed, "you should listen to your mother. Learning education is the best, not jumping into battle with no education at all." Lime flapped his wings, swooping back onto the ground. "I thought you were ready to go to school."

Luna snapped, "Fine. Whatever you say." Luna jumped onto the ground, grabbing her backpack, and stomped into her house. I don't want to go! Going to school is very boring! I hate school - but Lime is correct. 

Her breakfast was just two slices of french toast and a scrambled egg on top. Lime flew in with her, sitting neatly next to her. He looked at his food, which was a big fat slice of meat. Lime licked his lips and took one small bite. 

Luna sighed as she stabbed a fork into the heart of a french toast, and stuffed it in her mouth. Lime stopped eating and watched her, saying, "Oh, Luna, just cheer up! Everything is going to be alright." Luna shook her head, watching the mirror standing at the edge of the room. She looked as her dark brown hair was tied into a ponytail by her mother. "Mom, I'm done with my food! Have a good day! Yup! Bye!" She was about to dash out the door when her mom caught her arm and kissed her on the head. "Be good at school! Make sure you don't fall in a drain again!" 

Okay, yes. That is true. One day, when Luna was walking home, and when Lime was not looking, she slipped and fell in a drain. Yup. Very disgusting. She had to walk home with Lime all covered in sewer water. 

Luna's face turned red and groaned, "Mom, stop reminding me of the stupid moment! Now, can I go to school already?!" 

Her mom nodded and laughed, "Okay. Have a great day! Oh, also Lime, please take care of her and watch her closely. Don't let her fall into these kinds of situations again!" Lime said, "Yes. I will."

The door closed, leaving Luna and Lime outside. They looked around, admiring the view. Drastopia is filled with dragons of all sizes, and colors. Hover cars were parked at the side of the street, but everyone rarely used them. The buildings were multicolored, big enough for many people and dragons. Drastopia is a fantastic place. 

"Okay, Lime, let's go." Luna breathed. She jumped onto Lime's back, sitting on the saddle, fastening the straps on her feet and body. Lime walked onto the street, then turned. He then so suddenly ran at a very fast speed and flew into the air. Luna blinked and saw she was flying in the sky. 

"Weeeee!" Luna cried as Lime flapped his wings, reared up, and lunged forward. Lime flew through the air like a gliding eagle, wings stretched, not flapping at all. 

Luna checked her backpack. Her backpack is neon green, with no zippers. Instead, when she wanted it to open, it opened, and when she wanted it to close, it closed. Good. All of the books are in here. Luna then checked her watch. It was also neon green, with a projector on it. She pressed it and it projected out a small screen. On this screen, you can search the internet, play games, read online books, and almost everything. 7:53. "Lime, we need to be fast! There are only 7 more minutes left!" 

"Yes!" Lime dipped his nose down in a nosedive and ended up in the jet stream that leads to the school. Luna shielded her face from the cold, blasting winds and looked down. It was kind of scary, looking down because it gives people the chills as if they are going to fall right off. Well, some people. 

"We're here!" Lime zipped out of the jet stream, his strong, long tail flapping, his wings flapping against the wind. He swooped down, then set a green talon on the ground. Unlike airplanes, dragons could land lightly, but the airplanes had to land hardly and zip along the road at high speed. 

"Good job, Lime! Here's some dragon pellets for you!" Luna took out a can from her backpack and tossed some of the brown, hard pellets into Lime's mouth. Dragon pellets are created by the fabulous company Dragon Needs. Every single dragon loves these pellets. 

Lime caught them and crunched them. "Mmm. So good!" He licked his lips, then said, "what time is it?" 

Luna pressed her watch again. "Wow, Lime, pretty fast! 7:54! We arrived here in 5 minutes!" Luna hugged Lime, and said, "let's go in."

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