
276 17 2

Note: no Jaesahi on this chapter

Seunghun was on a mission to find the list, he need it to save the victims. "Hyung," he startled as Yeongue suddenly called him, the younger has been messed up ever since one of their colleagues got fired from the studio. "Have gotten some updates where is he about?" He knows who the younger was referring to, sadly he doesn't. "You seem tired, It's better to sleep maybe tomorrow he will be the first one to call you back." Yeongue couldn't sleep a bit being worried about one of his hyung who got missing even cutting his contacts. "Hyung! I can't help to feel worried if he is eating properly or even sleeping. You know him."

The older smiled. "I know Yoonbin, he won't do anything bad to make you worried."

"I just kinda feel bad because I'm his boyfriend but I can't comfort him." Seunghun sighed seeing how the younger was devastated. "What kind of boyfriend I be if I couldn't help him hyung." The younger blame himself for the disappearance of his boyfriend. "Calm down Gue, do you think Yoonbin will be happy hearing you saying that?" Good thing Byunggon arrived to calm him down, just like Yeongue he also blames himself for what's happening. If he only stays quiet about what he learned everything will and the others will not get curious but he can't stand what the studio doing. Gon couldn't risk or harm someone's life, "Hun contacts the group, and ask them if they have something in their pocket." He whispered because he know the higher up is keeping an eye on them, "We need some strong evidence to destroy the studio, I will risk my job for that." He secretly eyed the CCTV cam, where behind it in the security room someone is watching them.

The said man smirked, "this is only the beginning Gon, you want some war? Then I'll slowly give it to you." Grabbing his phone and dialling some familiar numbers, after a few rings they answered it. "Do you think is a good time? They have started to plan an attack."

"Then do it."

Keita's nose crouched as he received another text from the most person he loves I mean hates in the world. "For God's sake, what does he want." He currently runs an errand for Kotaro because the other Japanese decided to be lazy today. "I don't know why Gunie hyung choose him on this mission, I rather do it alone than teaming up with that lazy ass." He unconsciously stated what was on his mind, "I also rather stay up in my apartment seeing Dohwan cry for his undying love for his not-so-cute ex whom I didn't meet while they are dating." He keeps mumbling about what he wants or even likes.

He arrived at the shop where the older Japanese told him, Keita slowly pushes the door making it hit the chimes which satisfying to hear for the owner. "Oh hi? Kotaro-chan called that he send his friend to pick up his order?" A cute size boy with a sweet smile greeted him, he couldn't help to squeal at how cute is the other. "Uhm?" The boy awkwardly scratches the back of his head. "Oh sorry," the Japanese uttered then compose himself. "Yes I am, here's the list." He hands out the small paper to the boy who gradually accepts it. "You could wait there while I get the parts." Pointing to the couch that Keita hadn't noticed when he entered the shop and then leave the Japanese dumbfounded, it took a minute before Keita realize that the smaller disappear, "Damn I didn't even ask his name."

[A/n: This must be a filler if anyone was curious about what happened to DoDam that night they leave the party.]

Doyoung almost screamed when someone suddenly pull him away from Junghwan, damn he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to the middle high school student. Yedam stop walking when they reach the parking lot, "What are you doing here?" He asks the secretary who's glaring at him. "Have you forgotten that we have a party to attend," Doyoung ask grabbing his phone to call or leave a message to Jaehyuk before Junghwan declared that he got kidnapped? "You should have told me that we attending the same party so I won't be stuck with some random people, especially the girl I don't want to be married is there." Mumbling the last sentence so that Doyoung won't hear it.

"I don't even know that you're friends with Mr Yang's son," the secretary said

"Still you didn't tell me! And who is the guy with you earlier?" He is not jealous, he just wants to know why Doyoung wipes that guy's face and laughs whenever he does. "I'm not stalking, I just saw you pass our table so I got curious about who is with you. Is he your boyfriend?" The secretary suddenly laughs making Yedam got annoyed. "Hey! Don't laugh at me."

"I just found it funny, haha Junghwan is like a brother to me and I'm babysitting him tonight because the Yoon's are busy roaming around hahaha" Doyoung trying to stop himself from laughing, "don't worry you're the only one I'm love." After hearing what he said, his eyes widened and look at Yedam who is smirking right now. "I'm taking back what I've said," he was preparing to run if the other suddenly launch at him. "No your not!" He gasp as Yedam grab his hand and hold it tightly. "Come on let's ditch this party and enjoy the night. " little did Doyoung know starting this night he fall in love so hard.

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