twenty three

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Jaehyuk didn't expect that this lunch won't be business related, knowing the other CEO's personality he won't miss a chance to talk about his company and everything. He mentally sighed as the older man kept talking while he and Sanha listen, "too bad Yulhee went out of the country, she would gladly join us here." He awkwardly laughed as the older man mentioned his daughter which Jaehyuk hate the most, it's not like he hates the girl but he doesn't want to be with her, especially since Asahi is here, he was pretty sure that Yulhee will just flirt with him. He eyed the said male who was silently eating beside him.

"Akita, you should eat more, you're getting thin." Mr Yang suddenly uttered encouraging his friend, seeing the only lady with them only eat once then halted. "I'm just full, maybe I eat again later if I get hungry." She smiled, the other was convinced them continue his conversations with the Yoon siblings. Akita glanced again at Asahi, she didn't know why she felt something towards him maybe because he has a same features and name with her lost son. She couldn't stop herself of comparing them that's why she needs some answers. "Do perhaps we meet each other?"

"Have you find where are the victims?" Byunggon whispered to Hyunsuk who is focusing on computer, acting that he was developing new chip. "I already find 30 of them, let's plan out how to remove their blue chip before the studio notice our moves." He responded, it's just like a normal day but the elder can something might happen. "Any clue about Yoonbin?" They both eyed the sleeping younger male who's can't sleep since his boyfriend was missing good thing Seunghun comforted him. "Still none, even a single strand of his hair never found." Their other members have a task to search the missing male, suddenly Seunghun entered the room, holding a box causing to startled others. "What that matter Hyung?" Hyunsuk asked the newly arrive male seeing . "Someone sent this, I don't who or where it came from because there is no address." He place down the box in front of the oldest, "it's better not to show it to Yeongue." He warned them.

"Why I can't see it Hyung?" Yeongue ask, he just woke up because of the loud slamming door, Byunggon smiled at him. "It's nothing Gue, maybe later I'll show it to you but first let the hyungs examine it and just rest there." The youngest believe him then go back to sleep, the others release a relief sigh after that. "That what's close." Hyunsuk took a deep breath a bit, the oldest lifting the box, "have you opened it?" Asking the male who brought the box, Seunghun shook his head. "I haven't even though I'm curious but I want you to see it first." Hyunsuk nose crunches, "stop flirting in front of my salad, let's hurry up and open it before the higher up notice something suspicious." The couple infront of him look away from each other, he won't jealous although him and Byunggon have some history but they remain friends and now he was happy with Jihoon.

Byunggon fake cough then hold the box lid, slowly opening it incase something inside will explode. It took him a minute  to completely remove the it nothing happened except for a black card beside a flash drive found inside, "Hyung do you recognize this?" Seunghun point out a familiar bird logo infront of the card, The oldest eyes widened as he immediately grab the flash drive to open it on his personal laptop. There is a video then he click it, everyone's breathe hitched as seeing the face of thier missing friend appear on the screen. "Yoonbin Hyung," Yeongue muttered under his breath, he can't sleep knowing this might be the opportunity to find where was his boyfriend since nobody notice him, he take the opportunity to walk slowly behind Byunggon but he never expected to see his lover on a video. As it was started, Yoonbin was tied into a chair and he was unconscious suddenly someone came from behind move towards him to splash some water to make him up, Bin gasp as he open his eyes. "Where am I? Who are you?!" Yoonbin ask, a male appeared on the video but they can't see who it is because it only show half of his body and he was facing behind the camera.

Seeing the other male's expression, Byunggon surely know that Yoonbin know that person. "W-what -ugh!" A baseball bat landed on his back, the entire video is full of screams of pain as they keep beating Yoonbin. Yeongue can't help but to let himself fall down on the floor, seeing his lover being abuse he couldn't do anything. The hyungs are holding back their angers as they watch even though they want to smash the laptop, the video last for 10 minutes for them it was a torture. Hyunsuk glance at the crying male on the floor, he can feel his agony. Seunghun immediately comfort the latter and Byunggon silently  watch the halted video. "Does really this logo sounds familiar." Hyunsuk grab the black card to check and read what's inside.

'have you enjoyed it? I personally film it for you Gon, continue on destroying our business and that pretty little boyfriend of yours will taste what happened to your friend. You can fetch him on that address behind.'

He gave it back to Byunggon, the older look at the address. He can still remember that place, That abandoned orphanage use to be their house when he was younger and Yoonbin knows it. He eyes darkened that the culprit using his weakness, Gon hand fold crimping the card. "Byung-"

Cutting Hyunsuk's word, "I think the man knows me and I certainly knows him too." He said, the memories that he tried to forget got triggered and everythinflashedes in his mind. "It's not your fault, your not the one who burned that orphanage." Seunghun held his hand to calm him down, "B-but he was there! I - I couldn't save him. I was about to hold his hand, it was my fault he died I started that fir-" Seunghun kiss him, good thing it help the older to calm down. Everyone was in silence then a ringtone broke it, Hyunsuk grab his phone, and seeing the caller's id he answered it. "Keita, have you found something?" He ask currently holding Yeongue who got passed out, he end the call after getting some information. "Hyung, they found the first victim."

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