The Gangsters Love

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Ryan's POV (Ryan is a girl)

"You bitch!" my mother screamed at me, punching me hard in the jaw. She was yet again, drunk, just like every other day of her miserable life. As much as I tried to love her, I just couldn't. I mean, I would always love her, but her choices in life weren't the best, and on top of that she was diagnosed with a kidney problem. The docters say that unless she stops drinking, she wouldn't live past 34. She's 33 now.

My mom had me when she was 15. My dad is some rich guy, and I don't even know what he does. I've met him a couple times, and he sends me money every month and gives me extra on my birthdays and every holiday. I have to say he is pretty generous when it comes to the money and I have saved up quite a bit of money over the past 5 years I've been in contact with him.

I didn't like my dad either. When he found out about me, he just dropped my mom like she was nothing. Said he wanted nothing to do with me or my mom. He said that I wasn't his and it was impossible to know whose kid I was because my mom was with so many guys. But 5 years ago he got in touch with me and sends me letters, e-mails and money. I never answer him, never send him a thank you for the money. I think that he deserves to go to hell. My mom loved him and when she found out about me and told her parents about it, they disowned her. She had no where to go but my dad and he did pretty much the same thing.

"You ruined my life! I never wanted you, and your father never wanted you! He left me because of you! If you hadn't happened we would still be together now! You were an acident that was never supposed to happen! It was a stupid dumbass drunken mistake! If I could take back my decision for an abortion, I would get one! You're an ungreatful little bitch and I wish you would just die and go to hell!" my mother shouted at me in her drunken state. This is nothing I haven't heard before. She says this shit every time she comes home drunk which isn't really all that often because she never really comes home unless it's to get some cloths or to stash a couple condoms in her purse. My mom has been a hooker ever since I was 10. I mean, she always slept around with different guys ever since my dad left her. My mom rarely came home with these guys, but when she did she was usually under the influence of something, whether it be alcohol, or drugs. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten pregnant more than once. But the times she has brought someone over, I have never seen the same guy twice.

"Dont touch me you stupid drunken bitch!" I screamed back at her. Latley she has been home a lot, and she is driving me insane. Sure she has hit me before but nothig more than a smack in the face. Now she's upgrading to punching, kicking, clawing, and other ways of girl fighting. I have never hit her back, but I am seriously contemplating it.

"What did you call me? Care to repeat yourself?" my mother said slowly slurring her words. "I said 'don't touch me you stupid drunken bitch.'" I said more slowly as I got up from the floor.

Her face twisted with anger as she drew her fist back for another blow aimed at my face. Oh hell no. I grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm back. I guess that MMA (mixed martial arts) and boxing class was a good thing to spend my money on.

She screamed out in pain as I twisted it farther and farther. "Okay! Okay!" she yelled and I let her go. She got off her knees and spoke slowly and in a death threatening voice that was supposed to scare me, which it didn't.

"Get out. I want you out of here by tomorrow. I'll call your father. I don't want anything to do with you, you crazy bitch. I hate you. I hate everything about you." she spat out.

"Fine! I would much rather be with my other asshole of a parent. Anything is better than you! Have fun drinking your life away. I wont be at your funeral, and I'm sure I won't be the only one. Have a nice time in hell bitch." I spat and angerly stalked to the door and slammed it behind me. Little did I know that leaving would be the most overwhelming thing I could have done. But not just in my sake.

The Gangsters Love (On Hold) (Not for long though)Where stories live. Discover now