title of your story

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Liams POV

I woke up to my alarm saying something about the weather and how it was supposed to snow today. I slammed my fist on the clock, angry that the damn thing woke me up, even though that's it's job.

I got out of bed and stretched my kinked muscles out. I am still not used to these comfortable beds. I think I liked the prison beds better.

I walked lazily to the bathroom and took a short shower. I got out and walked back to my room- butt naked for all you perverted females- and looked at my closet. I chose a pair of stressed faded jeans and pulled them down so they were low on my hips and my red plaid boxers were showing. Then grabbed on of my many black wife beaters and threw it over my head. Throwing on a black pair of air jordon high tops, I collected my ring of keys and leather jacket and left my apartment. I wonder where Kent was this morning. Maybe he left early for some school thing.

On my way to school I stopped at a Starrbucks and ordered a medium coffee, black with no sugar and a glazed doughnut. I made it to school and went to my usual group of badasses who do more talk than acually do. Then I saw the silver Martin Vanquish.....

Ryans POV

I woke up to my very loud alarm. It was screaming Adele right in my ear. I like Adele, but I'd rather not have her screetching about her setting fire to rain so early in the morning.

Since I showered last night before bed I didn't need one this morning, so I went to my closet and picked out a pair of black leggings and a maroon hollister hoodie over my white tank top. Off the floor of my closet I grabbed my grey Ugg boots that I loved and went to the bathroom to do my makeup and hair and brush my teeth. I straightened my long hair and put on my makeup. I blended foundation on my face and set it with some powder and threw on a little blush. A little brown eyeliner on the bottom lid of my eyes and on the top I applied some liquid eyeliner with a little wing. After quickly applying mascara I then went downstairs with my bag, money and my keys.

My dad was already waiting for me when I got down there. "Grab an apple. We're going to be late." he said looking at his Rolex watch for the third time since I've been down here.

I grabbed an apple from the fruit tray on the counter and followed my father outside to his awesome silver Martin Vanquish.

I paid attention to where we were and where we were going so I could drive to school by myself. About 10 minutes from the apartment we pulled up to a big school. I saw a whole bunch of kids hanging out infront of the school before class, and some of them looked..... Questionable.

"Bye Ryan. Have a good day. You have to find a ride home. You know the address if you need a cab. Bye" I didn't say anything to him and got out.

I started walking toward the school with eyes following my every move. Geez. I guess people here in New York liked to stare. I ignored them however and walked up the stairs to the door. I became aware of a certain pair of eyes on me as I turned my head to the right. I saw a very attractive guy leaning against the school in a casual way. As attractive as he may have been he would be one of the 'questionable' characters I was talking about. I didn't look at him long before I opened the door choosing to ignore his exsistence, and walked into the school.

I was in the main lobby and looked left and right for the office. I saw a sign to the left that said 'Main Office' on it. I walked into the office and was greeted by a pretty, young receptionist. Probably in her mid 30s.

"Hi. What can I do for you hon?" she greeted me with a smile. I smiled back and said, "Yeah, um, I'm new here. Ryan Martinez?" she smiled and nodded at me, turning around to pick up a blue folder, "This is your schedule, and a map of the floor plan here. If you need any help just come back here and I'll help you out." I smiled at her and thanked her.

Once out of the office I looked at my schedule and saw that my first period class was with Mr. Payne, AP English on the second floor room number 327.

I climbed a stair case and looked at the room numbers beside each door. I was just walking, minding my own buisness, and watching what was infront of me I might add, when someone shouldered me pretty hard.

"Hey watch where you're goin'." rang out a deep, husky, just got out of bed, sexy voice. I looked up and saw the attractive guy standing over me. I didn't care if he was attractive, nobody talked to me like that.

He had to be at least 6'7", which ment that he had a good foot on my 5'5" frame. I still didn't care, nor was I scared. "Why don't you? If you were paying attention, you would have been able to avoid bumping into me. I was watching where I was going. You weren't. Appearently you should to take your own advice, and watch where you're going." I said, taking a step closer, and growled out, "So watch it." I pushed his chest for good measure and picked my bag up and brushed past him and his stunned, and scared looking friends. Although I don't think that they were scared of me. They were scared of the guy who seemed to be the leader.

As I walked away I heard a low growel behind me, but I didn't turn around.

All of a sudden he was infront of me blocking my way to my class. I gave him an inocent look and said, "Excuse me sir, but you're in my way. I would like to get to class. If you don't mind." I gave him a mocking smile and then frowned and went around him, but he was back I front of me in an instant. I made a deep exasperated groan from the back of my throat, "What do you want? Are you mad because I embawassed you infront of your wittle fwiends?" I said in a baby voice, then became serious.

He looked very displeased, like he was about to hit something. His hands were balled into fists at his sides. Well, I guess this guy didn't like to be messed with.

"Dont talk to me like that. Ever. Do you understand me?" is he telling me what to do? I think he is.... I smiled a sweet smile, "Yeah, well you see, I don't like being told what to do...." my face turned serious, "By anybody. You could be the god damn president of the United States, and it wouldn't matter to me. I don't know who you think you are, but no body talks to me like that. Not even my own father talks to me like that. The only person who can get away with talking to me like that is back in California, so either you get the hell out of my way, or I can make your life a living hell. Your choice."

He seemed stunned to stay the least. I don't think he liked being talked to like that either. He took a step toward me, and I took a step back. That didn't really help though because he was still hovering over my 5'5" frame.

"You think you can make my life a living hell?" he ground out from clenched teeth. "There is no way you could make my life a living hell. Have you ever been to prison?" does jail for 6 months count? "No you haven't, but I have. Two years of my life. You can't get closer to hell than that. So if you think you can threaten me, you're wrong. You don't know what hell is until you've done something you will regret the rest of your life, and then have to pay for it."

"Oh yeah! You don't know shit about me! I might not have been to prison, but i was pretty damn close to going there for LIFE! And the closest thing to being in hell is acually going to hell. Have you ever been? Oh it's great. You would fit right in. Now get the fuck out of my way, sir." he stepped back a little and I pushed him more out of the way and walked down the hall as if nothing happend.

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