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Liams POV

She was right. There was something inside me that told me not to hit her. And I would rather not be put back inside but I'm not scared to. Ryan is the only person besides Kent that can talk back to me like that and not die.

I looked down the street and saw Ryan still walking down the sidewalk toward the better part of the city. I started to follow her down the street. As much as I hated to admit it, I didn't want to see her obituary in the paper. I can see it now, 'Teen Girl, Daughter of Peter Jennings, Raped and Murdered. Could It Be An Angery Ex-Convict That Jennings Put Away?' yeah, I don't think so.

She walked and walked and I wondered where the hell she was going. We were in the rich part of town now, and now I was following her just because I wanted to know where she was going.

I saw her turn and go into a big apartment building. I should have figured. Before I was put inside I made a delivery here in one if these apartments, and holy fuck they were nice. They were two story apartments. I had no idea that this is where the great Peter Jennings lived.

Just thinking about him made me remember the first time we met.

I was brought in a visiting cell and my lawyer was brought in along with a man I have never seen before but I knew he was the prosecutor of my case.


I watched my lawyer take a seat next to me while the prosecutor took a seat across from the two of us.

"So let's get right down to business," the other man said, "Young man, my name is Peter Jennings." he said addressing me then turning to my lawyer Lenard Props.

"Okay Lenard I am willing to cut a deal. Two years in prison with parrol. I am being reasonable here, and this is the only deal you're going to get so I would take it."

Lenard looked at me and said, "This is a very generous offer Liam. I would take it." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you kidding me? Two years inside?! That's generous?!" I banged my hand on the table leaving a dent. Lenard jumped a little but I noticed Peter didn't.

"Liam this is acually a very good deal considering your case and what you're being acused of. He could have given you 4 years in prison without parrol, and with their evdience they would have won. So I would take it."

With flaring nostrils I nodded my head once; defeated. "We'll take it Peter. Thank you for being so generous." Lenard said as I was being lead out of the room.

"He's sixteen being tried as an adult. I think they got what was coming to them, and I feel bad for the kid. If this was my kid going through this, I don't know what I would have done," and then the officer led me back to my cell.

******End of Flashback******

I shook my head and walked away from the building back to my apartment.

Ryans POV

After my run in with Liam, I went straight back to the apartment. I walked in and my phone imedatly started ringing. I pulled it out of my front pocket of my hoodie and saw that was good ole daddy dearest calling.

"What?" I demanded. I didn't want to talk to him. "You skipped school?! On your first day?!" he yelled through the phone. He was yelling so loud I had to hold the phone away from my ear.

"Not really. I went but something came up and I had to leave. Why do you care anyway?" I demanded to know.

"Ryan, you're my daughter, I am your legal gardian and I care about you and your education. You will not be skipping any more school or you will be punished. Do you understand me?" I was shocked to hear his voice sound so authoritizing and bossy. I wasn't used to this; being told what to do like this.

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