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Liams POV

Listening to Ryan talk about her life before and after she moved here, made me realize that she wasn't anything like I labled her to be. I was judging her because of her rich lawyer father that was responsible for putting me in prison. She isn't anything like her father, and from what's she's been saying she hates his guts and more.

She is in a way like me. I hate my father with all that I have in me times ten. Maybe Ryans not as bad as I thought. I guess I have been overly mean to her, so I should probably tone it down a little bit. Just a little though.

Ryan started yawning halfway through the movie Kent decided to put in, and I was acually quite surprised because this was the scariest movie I have ever seen. Not that it scares me, it's just scary and this chick is just sitting there watching it like no bodys business. By the end of the movie she was way passed out in the arm chair, and I saw Kent dozing off a little bit.

"Kent go to bed man. Don't bother going to school tomorrow either. We are all exausted." I said. Kent just nodded and said, "What about Ryan? Where is she going to sleep? I'll sleep on the couch-"

"No it's okay. I'll sleep on the couch. Go to bed and I'll take her to my room." Kent didn't even argue as he stood up and dragged himself down the short hallway to his room and shutting the door.

I got off the couch with a grunt and walked over to Ryan in the arm chair. She looked so peaceful lying there. She was acually really hot. All the guys thought so, and so most the girls hate her because she's hotter than them.

I scooped her up in my strong arms and walked her motionless body to my room. I laid her on my bed and pulled the covers over her so she didn't get cold in the night.

Walking back to the living room I jumped on the couch and fell asleep imediatly.

Sometime during the night I was awaken by someone screaming, 'Please, no! Stop!' I got up with a start and realized that it was Ryan. I knew that Kent would hear her since he slept like a brick.

I kicked off the covers and jumped off the couch running to my room. Ryan was covered in sweat, and she was flailing her arms around, as if trying to free herself from someones grip.

I ran over to her and held her arms down, which only made her scream more and struggle harder. "Shh. Ryan, Ryan it's me Liam. Open your eyes Ryan, you're dreaming. Shhh, it's okay." I soothed.

Ryan did stop struggling with me and opened her terrified eyes. "L-Liam?" she whimpered. "Yeah, it's me. It's gonna be okay. What happend?" I asked.

Letting the withheld tears spill she managed to sob, "It was just a memory."

"You can tell me about it if you want." I said kindly. She looked at me with confused eyes, but then shook her head. It still scared her to think about it.

All of a sudden her arms wrapped around my neck like a vice. She cried into my bare neck, as I held her quivering body. "C-can you stay with me? Please?" she mumbled into my neck? Did she just ask me, Liam Coswell, to stay with her for the night? I guess she didn't really hate me as much as she showed.

"Yeah, I stay with you." I laid her down and pulled the covers around us in my queen sized bed.

Ryan wrapped her arms once again around my neck and I put one arm around her waist bringing her closer. The last words she said before falling into a nice peaceful, dreamless sleep was, "Thank you Liam." I smiled and fell asleep as well.

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