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Ryans POV

Months have past since that night. Since the night I broke down and Liam promised he wouldn't leave me. We aren't together or anything but I think that we would both like to be. I think he's holding back because of Steve and Kent.

Steve had been staying at a hotel for a month and we had been hanging out, whether it be alone or with Liam and Kent.

I was surprised when Liam and Steve acually got along. And Steve got along with Kent pretty well too. They were all acually pretty good friends and they had exchanged numbers and stuff so when Steve left for LA they could all keep in touch. It was wierd to watch, trust me.

But now Steve has gone back to LA, and I'm stuck here in cold New York City. Well, it's not so cold anymore considering it's graduation week in June.

That day of the blizzard Liam was acting really wierd, and now he's starting to act strange again. I think he's keeping something from me, and now that I think about it I think Kent is too.

It was our last day of school before graduation and I had got straight A's in every class and since I was in all advanced courses this year that means I could graduate early. I acually started going to school every day so I could make my dad proud.

Me and my dad acually have a really good relationship now. He comes home whenever he can, and we sit around doing nothing and stuffing our faces. Or I'll teach him how to cook considering he messed up speghetti my first day here.

"Dad! I'm home, and guess what?! It's the last day of school! No more school! No more school!" I yelled coming through the door dancing like a retard on drugs. (A/N-Nobody take offense to that. I don't mean it to be offensive to anybody. Okay thanks.)

"Your dads not home." came an all to familar voice from the living room.

I stopped my awesome dancing and starred at Liam with confusion. "What are you doing here? How did you even get inside?" I asked.

Liam smirked and held up a key, "I stole your spare and had one made for myself. Hope you don't mind."

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, "Thats a little creepy don't ya think?" I asked.

Liam looked at the key in his hand and shook his head, "Nah. I don't think it's creepy."

"Well that still doesn't explain why you're here." I said walking past Liam and into the kitchen.

All of a sudden his cocky attitude was gone and he became serious, "I came here to tell you someth-" he was interupted by my father walking into the apartment.

"Ry! Ry I'm home! I took off work early- Oh, hello Liam." he said politely setting his leather briefcase down.

"Hey Mr. Jennings. Okay Ryan I'll see you at graduation tomorrow. Bye." and with that Liam grabbed his leather jacket and left shutting the door behind him.

"What was that all about?" my dad asked, walking to the sink. I shrugged, "I honestly have no idea."

After Chinese food and a movie night with my dad, I went upstairs early because the cerimomy was at 8:00.

I got up at 6:30 so I had time to curl my hair and put on my makeup. I had to say I looked pretty good. I wore a white pencil skirt and a pretty blue lacey top that flowed. I slipped on my black 2 inch heels and I was set. Nobody was going to see my outfit anyway considering I'll have that god ugly gown on. *Chills*

My dad and me drove to the school where we would be having the cerimony, and I rushed to get back stage since I graduated top 10 in the class. I am pretty smart, you just can't tell by my actions. I get my intelligence from my dad obviously.

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