I'm in big trouble....

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Ryans POV

It's been two months since Liam left and I feel empty inside. My dad and mom both agreed that it would be a good idea to take year off of college so I can get a job and save some money. My dad said that he would pay for my college tuition and everything but he wanted me to know how to save and make my own money if and when I ever needed it.

The last couple days I've been feeling weird. It's a queesy feeling; like I'm about to throw up kind if feeling. I've been really irratable lately too. Like, more than I normally am.

I shot up from the laying postition on my couch when realization hit me. My period was late. A week late to me exact. I know because I've been wearing tampons all week waiting for it to come, but it hasn't. Oh. My. God. I can't be. No! I can't be.

I bolted off the couch and ran past my mom and dad in the kitchen, cooking something, "Ryan, where are you going?" my mom called out to me.

"I gotta go get something. I'll be back soon." I rushed out and then ran out the door.

I sprinted to the nearest drug store and ran to the female isle. I grabbed like five different pregnacy tests and ran to the check out line, making sure to pay in cash so my dad can look up the credit card records.

I ran back home with all the tests in my huge purse. I ran through the door like my pants were on fire and sprinted upstairs to the bathroom.

I opened one box and peed on that stick, and did the same thing for the rest of them. I waited for however long it took for those things to process. All five of them were positive.

I can't be pregnant. Especially since it's father is in Pakistan right now killing off terrorists. I slumped down against the wall and started to ball my eyes out. I was literally sobbing so hard my whole body was shaking.

All of a sudden there was a soft knock on the door. "Ryan honey? Open the door, it's me." my mother called out from the hall.

"Go away mom! You can't come in here!" I yelled back at her. Damn these hormones.

"Ryan, unlock this door. What's wrong sweety? Why are you crying?" she asked sweetly. It's kinda funny. When she was sober she was as gental as a lamb, but when she was drunk or high or any combination of the two she was a wreck and extremely violent. I liked this side of her. Except for now....

"You'll hate me forever and disown me as a daughter! Go away!" I ranted, and started to sob again.

"Peter? Do you have an extra key for this stupid door. Ryan won't let me in." I heard my mother ask my dad. Oh, there is no way my dad is coming in here. I hurriedly crawled to the door and unlocked the knob so my mom could come in.

She stepped in and shut the door behind her. When she saw the sight before her; her daughter hugging her knees, surrounded by positive pregnancy tests she let out a sad sigh, "Oh Ryan. Come here baby." she said kneeling down next to me holding her arms out so I could fall into them.

I sobbed into her shirt and hugged her tightly. "Im so sorry mom. I'm so sorry!" I cried. It came out muffled because I said it into her shirt.

"Its okay baby girl. Shhh, it's okay." she said soothingly, rubbing my back.

I broke apart from her and wipped my eyes, "You aren't mad?" I asked surprised. My mom smiled and shook her head, "Ryan, you think I'm going to judge you? I started sleeping around when I was 14 okay? I don't think that you sleep around though. I think you sleep with guys that you like, not just for the fun of it right?" she asked.

I looked at her and sighed. I told her about the time I was drunk and slept with Liam cause I felt like it. She didn't yell, nor did she judge. She listened to me.

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