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Liams POV

I walked home from Ryans place and once I got there I stalled outside. I didn't want to go inside and get another speech about my life and what I should and shouldn't be doing. I don't even know why Ryan gives a rats ass about what I do on my own time but whatever.

I rolled my eyes at my pussyness and unlocked the door and walked in. I strolled into mine and Kents apartment like nothing was wrong, hoping Kent wouldn't be here to say anything.

My prayer were not answered when I saw Kent watching tv and when he saw me he turned it off, "Are you fucking insane? Are you trying to go back to prison?" Kent yelled, emphisising the word 'trying'.

I rolled my eyes at him which only seemed to make him madder, "Yeah sure. Roll your eyes at me. I'm going to be laughing in your face when your back behind bars saying 'I told ya so'. You never listen. You just have to go around being cool with your scum bag gangsta buddies."

I have honestly never seen Kent this angry before. Sure he's been mad at me for doing shit like this, but I think this was his last straw. What Kent doesn't know is what I acually do for him. I bring a lot of money into this house doing what I do, and being the leader of probably the most feared gang in New York City keeps scums away from Kent. Without me doing this, we'd be dirty hobos on the streets. So all of Kents words made me angry.

"You don't know anything!" I shouted, "You don't know what I do for you! I bring in a whole bunch of money into this house and what do I get? I get screamed at and lectured about how I'm not doing it right! I have always been there for you Kent! I have always provided for you. When dad was drunk and angry, who took your beatings? Me, that's who! I helped you get out of there, and ended up going to prison in the process! I have made so many sacrifices for you Kent, so who are you to be telling me what I should and shouldn't do?"

You would think that Kent would have nothing to say after that amazing rant, but no, "Liam, there are so many other options out there, you're just to god damn stupid to realize it. And now that you're involved with that stupid gang of yours, you can't even think about quitting. They'd to after you and me, and anybody else close to us. If anything Liam, you just put us in a hell of a lot more danger. If you angred the wrong people Liam, both you and me will end up on milk cartons. So thank you so much for putting me in this situation. I have a dumbass brother who is a gang leader, drug and illegal arms dealer who already has a prison record and he's only 18. Congrats!" Kent said sarcastically.

I knew that Kent was right about everything. I was too busy tying to think of good ways of keeping gangs away from me and Kent, and ways to make good money at the same time in New York City where there is pretty much no place to get a job. At least not anywhere where they will accept you with a prison record. So what's better than joining a gang and becoming their leader? Great logic I know. I'm a fricken genious.

I sighed feeling defeated, "Listen Kent. I know that I made stupid decisions in my life but they were in my best intentions. I was trying to protect you. After everything HE did to you I didn't want you getting hurt anymore, so I figured if anyone going to get in trouble it would be me."

Kent rolled his eyes, "I think you and I both know that that's a bullshit anwser. You just didn't want to try. You know what, I'm glad I'm turning 18 soon. I'm not going to be your babysitter anymore. Do what you want Liam. I can't take this shit from you. As soon as I turn 18 I'm out of here. I have a good paying job and a lot of money saved up." he said the last part more to himself, probably planning what he was going to do.

I shook with furry. He wasn't even greatfull for what I did do for him. "You're one ungrateful son of a bitch, you know that Kent. I did everything for you. I made sure you were taken care of when I was gone. I made sure you were safe from him! And I'm finally back, and I provide food and a nice place to live and what do you do? You shit all over it! You won't make it a month before you come crawling back to me."

"Its not that I'm not greatfull Liam, because I am. I'm just angry about your choice to getting into drugs and that shit. There are places where people would have hired you, you're just to lazy to look. You don't feel like looking. And don't you dare say I'm ungrateful." Kent ground out through clenched teeth.

"I am greatfull for what you sacrificed for me. You gave two years of your life for us."

"It wasn't good enough. Sure, I saved you but I wasn't there in time for her. If I had been there-" tears welled in my eyes and I punched the wall next to me, causing some plaster to come off the wall. I'll have to fix that later.

"You can't blame yourself, Liam. You weren't home-" Kent began but I cut him off.

"Yeah, I wasn't home! I was at a fucking party getting wasted, having a good time. I shouldn't have left. I should have stayed. I knew he was coming home, and I left. I wasn't there to protect you or mom." I growled as the tears spilled over.

Kent was silent because he knew I was right. I shouldn't have left that night. If I hadn't, I probably would have been able to save my mom and Kent from that monster.

I dropped to my knees and my whole body shuddered and shook as sobs broke through my mouth. I haven't cried like this since that night.

Kent knelt down and patted my back awkwardly, "Its okay. I'm sorry Liam. I'm not going to leave. I was just mad. I won't leave you." I nodded and got myself together and stood up, wiping my eyes.

"So are you going to get out of the gang thing?" Kent asked hopefully. I gave him a look, "I would if I could, but I can't so I shan't." I said smartly.

Kent rolled his eyes at me, "I can see the old Liam is back. But really,"

"Kent I can't. What part of that don't you get. If I wasn't the leader then it could be a possibility, but-" Kent cut me off.

"Liam, if the leader leaves then no one is there to lead. If you leave then the others will have no choice than to go elsewhere and join another gang."

Shit. Sometimes I hated it when my brain didn't work like Kents. I mean I'm pretty smart, really smart acually, but Kent had a good deal of common sense, something I lacked greatly.

"The thing is, I don't know how to just quit. I don't know how to just leave without it coming back and biting me in the ass."

Kent looked thoughtful for awhile before he shrugged a little, "There is one option that is garenteed."

I was confused for a second before what Kent was telling me sunk in. "Are you fucking me right now?" I asked Kent in disbelief.

He shrugged again, "It would give you a reason to leave the gang and they would probably leave you alone after that."

"Why would I want to go into the service?" I asked. I didn't really have a reason to. I'm not unpatriotic of anything, but it just wasn't in my best intrest.

"Well first of all, it would look good on any work papers when you came back. And second, it wouldn't hurt you to go away after graduating."

I really did hate it when Kent was right. He was always right. It wasn't my only option, but it was the best one so far. If I went into the service it would break the gang apart, and most likely leave Kent and everybody I care about in safety. Considering I only have 7 months to graduate I guess I better get started on the paperwork.

Hey readers! Really would love it if you would let me no if this book is worth my time.

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