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Ryans POV

Sweetheart. Ha! I think we both know I ain't sweet, but I know what he is. He is an overly sexy gangster douche bag. Bur I think he's a lying sexy douche bag. Yeah! That's what he is. Okay, done with my little rant now.

At lunch the other day I had gotten all the guys numbers. Even Skys. I grabbed my phone and texted Sky, 'hey. U wanna hang today or r u busy?'

A few seconds later I get another text back, 'Hell yeah! ITs a nice change from hangin' with the guys:) lol wat u wanna do?'

I thought about it for a second and answered, 'we could go to the movies and then hang at my house if ya want'

'ya that sounds good. I already no where u live so I'll be there in 15'

Okay? Whatever. I didn't want to have just guy friends here, and I knew Sky didn't really have any chick friends cause they all use her to try to get to her amazingly cute boyfriend.

15 minutes later, on the dot Sky was buzzing in. In the apartment Sky looked amazed. "Wow. This place is really nice. I should have expected it to be extremely nice and modern. I mean, your dad is one of the most sucsessfull lawyers in New York City." I didn't know this, but it made a lot of sense now. I knew lawyers got paid a lot, but the way my dad was living it showed that he had more money to burn than others did.

"So what are we seeing? I was thinking 'The Host' maybe. It seems good." she suggested. "I was going to suggest the same thing!" I exclaimed at her and she laughed and hooked her arm in mine and we walked out of the apartment together, arm in arm.

"I think we are going to be very close." she said flashing me a pearly smile, but then her face became serious, "But if you try to steal my boyfriend away from me, I'll have to kill you. I mean, if you get close to him, fine. But if I get the slightest instinct that you're hitting on him I won't hesitate to punch you out. Just warning you."

I held my hands up in surrender "Well then you better leave. I was only using you for your boyfriend." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Hey! It's happend before so I take this precaution first. Now it's movie time bitch!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. I laughed at her, attempting to shush her, but she kept going, "Yo, we're watching The fucking Host my bitches! What you gonna do about it!" she was yelling in the fricken hallway, and some people came out of their apartments to see what the hell was going on. They probably thought we were drunk. Not this early in the day people! Usually.

We made it outside laughing our asses off getting into a taxi. "Where to ladies?" the taxi driver asked politley, but I could tell he was judging us with his eyes, but like I cared.

"You wanna skip the movie and go somewhere else where we will have more fun?" I asked Sky. She nodded eargerly, "Yo dude, take us to Leo's Pub." the driver raised his eyebrow but didn't question it. Luckily I had my fake ID with me.

The taxi dropped us off at Leo's Pub and Sky and I got out. Before she lead me inside she turned to me and warned, "There are always hot males here, and I don't have a problem with flirting with them. You can't tell.... You know who." she said quietly reffering to her boyfriend. I nodded and we went inside and sat at the bar.

"I'll have a Sex on The Beach." Sky said. Ha! That's pussy alcohol. "I'll have 4 tequilla shots with a lime and salt and a beer please." the bartender who looked to be in his early twenties, looked at us funny before holding out his hand, "IDs." I gave him mine and Sky gave her hers. He looked at then and then gave them back to us, obviously convinced that we were 21 or older.

I have to say that he was extremly atractive. I mean, I was totally into his longish dark brown hair that hung in his eyes a little bit. His eyes were a pretty shade of hazel and he was built like football player. He was probably about 6'0" in height, which added to his atractiveness. He still wasn't as attractive as Liam. Why am I always thinking of Liam? Stop it Ryan!

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