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Kents POV

I swear, sometimes Liam is the stupidest person I know. He is incredably smart, but he has no common sense at all. And he isn't very good at not making things obvious. He thinks I don't know that the girl that escaped out his fire escape window was Ryan. I'm not stupid, and I saw her profile. I just have to wonder why Liam wasn't rubbing it in my face like he normally would, and why the hell Ryan would sleep with him. Why wouldn't she? He is THE Liam Coswell, known bad boy, player and gang banger. No girl could resist him.

After Liam and I had our little discusion, I went for a walk. I didn't know what else to do. Some girl showed up at our door and Liam took her into his bedroom, so you can guess they were doing.

I walked and found myself infront of my favorite bar. Before I could stop myself I opened the door and walked in.

Ryans POV

I had finally gotten some common sense and bought a coat- with my dads credit card of course- so I wasn't freezing my ass off every time I walked outside.

I was walking down the un-crowded side walk after school to Kents and Liams. I noticed that Kent nor Liam was at school today so I walking to their apartment.

I rang the bell and got no answer. Either they were ignoring me, or Kent was asleep and Liam was out with his gang. None of that would surprise me, acually. I knew Kent loved his alseep, but I never thought he would skip school to sleep, unless he was sick.

I rang the bell again and like the last time no answer. I looked around and I saw someone coming toward me with a key. He walked up and unlocked the door. He looked at me up and down, checking me out before saying, "You forget your key?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I always forget that damn thing." he smiled back and opened the door for me to enter. I thanked him and ran up the stairs so I didn't have to ride in the elevator with him.

I got up to their apartment and knocked. I heard a loud thud frm inside and some mumbled jibberish that sounded like swearing. So someone was home. Probably Liam. He would be the one to ignore me.

When the door was pulled back, I was suprised to see Kent standing there with bloodshot eyes, and he reeked of alcohol. "Kent, what the hell are you doing?"

Kent stumbled away from the door, almost falling on his ass. He burst out laughing hystarically. "Kent, what are you doing? Why are you drunk? I didn't think you drank."

This only made him laugh harder. I rolled my eyes and he answered me, "You were wwrrroonngg." he drawled. "Okay, I was wrong but why are you drinking now?" I have delt with a few drunken people in my days. Hard for you all to see? I know right.

Kent straightend up so he was now towering over me, "Its all your fault. Liam was fine without you." Liam? Since when did Liam enter this conversation?

"I dont know what you're talking about Kent. I dont like Liam like that." At least I don't think. I don't right? I love Steve.

"Then why did you sleep with him?" he slurred.

I was definately surprised that he knew about that. "How do you even know about that?"

"I saw you running away from the ally." Kent replied dumbly pointing to Liams bedroom. "You should know that Liam had another girl in there today."

"Why would I care? I don't like Liam like that. That sex was just recreational. I love someone else. Why do you care who I sleep with anyway?" I asked putting my hands on me hips.

Kent was now silent. He plopped down on the ground in the middle of the apartment and just sat there. "Kent. Answer me."

"Okay, as long as you don't tell Ryan." Kent slurred. Wow. He is so wasted.

"Okay, I promise not to tell Ryan." I promised.

"I think I like her. I like her a lot. Liam and I made a bet. Whoever lost had to be the winners slave for a day." this is the bet they were talking about the night they slept over.

"What was the bet?" I asked. "If I got her to go out with me before Liam banged her. Liam won." Well obviously. "He just used her like she was nothing and then just went right to the next girl in line. He does it with everything that has a vagina and a pulse." I already knew that.

But I was made to be a bet. Most girls would freak out if they found out guys made a bet like this about you. I wasn't. I could honestly care less.

"I really like her." Kent whispered. All of a sudden he was off the floor and running to the bathroom. Next thing I knew, I heard barfing noises coming from the bathroom. Lovely.

I walked into the bathroom and saw Kent throwing up his guts. I rubbed his back since he didn't have any hair to hold back. I have done this for my mother many times before.

When Kent was finally done he let go of the toliet set and slumped against the bathtub. He looked at me with glassy eyes, "Hey Ryan. When did you get here?" he asked smiling.

I flushed the toliet and shrugged, "I dunno. Hey, where's Liam?" I asked. He wasn't here, and neither was his fuck buddy.

Kent put his finger on his chin, as if he was thinking really hard about something. He snapped his finger together and pointed them in my face, "He went to go get papers!"

"Papers? What kind of papers?" I asked. Kent thought for a long time before speaking again, "I forgot." I nodded.

"Are you going to be okay? My dad doesn't know I left and I don't know when he's gonna come back."

Kent smiled a little and nodded. I gave him a small smile and left his apartment, swiping a full bottle of vodka on my way out. I think Kent already had his fill.

Sup people! Hope you like this story. If you do you'll most likely like my others. Just look up my user name and they should all come up.






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