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Liams POV

I laid in bed with Ryan, just holding her thinking about what I had said to her. What the hell did I just do? I made a promise I know I won't be able to keep. I was going to tell her about me enlisting into the army, but now I don't think I can. Fuck this shit!

I woke up the next morning exausted. I had stayed up until 4:30 in the friggen morning thinking about how I was going to tell Ryan about the army. I didn't come up with squat.

Speaking of Ryan I moved to wake Ryan up but I realized that she wasn't in bed with me. I looked at her clock and saw that it was only 7:30. She never gets up this early....

I walked downstairs and saw Ryan slouching against the kitchen counter with a cup of black coffee infront of her. Her hair was covering her face, but I'm positive that if you moved it her eyes would be bloodshot and they would have massive bags underneath them.

"Tired?" I asked with a smirk playing on my lips. A painful groan came from Ryans lips as she covered her ears. As she did this it moved her hair away from her face and I saw she was wearing sunglasses. I had to cover my mouth to stop from laughing.

"Shhhh. Number one, it's too early in the morning. Number two, I am totally and completely hung over. And three, I think I'm still a little high and anything could make me go into a laughing fit, which would hurt like a mother fucker, okay?" She said in a whisper yell.

I smirked, "So what's for breakfast?" I asked in a normal tone of voice. Ryan covered her ears with an annoyed look on her face and said, "Whatever you make, asshole." she spat in a whisper.

I rolled my eyes at her as she took a big sip of her coffee. "What happend last night? I can't remember anything." she said.

"You don't remember anything?" I asked. She had to remember something.

"Well I remember Steve was here, and then you came. That's it until this morning. I'm sure I remember some other things but at the moment i'm not really sure what happend and what didn't happen." she said. So.... She didn't remember what we talked about last night? She didn't remember what I said? This might be my lucky day. Maybe when she's not so hungover she could make it even luckier. ;)

"Uh well, I came in and you shouted at me about how you didn't need bibles and you already knew Jesus. Uhh, you ran upstairs to throw up and me and Steve got to know eachother a little better. I found out that he already knew about me because he saw my trial on tv. He left after you passed out."

I left it at that hoping she wouldn't press the issue. But Ryan being Ryan did, "And that's all that happend? I didn't make an even bigger fool of myself, because it's happend in the past......." she trailed off, probably thinking of the time she was running outside in her bra and underwear. Yeah, that was definatly something I would have paid to see.

"Nope, that's all that happend." I said. Ryan narrowed her eyes at me for a second before shrugging her shoulders not really caring anymore.

"I could see you went shopping. But can I ask you why?" she asked motioning to the stocked kitchen.

"The news said that there was a blizzard coming through New York City, and I noticed earlier that you didn't have very much food in the apartment. Hence, the food." I said in a duh tone. "Thats why we doing have school today or anytime soon probably." I said.

Ryan nodded, "Thanks." she said. "No problem. So what's the plan for today?" I asked.

Ryan looked at me like I was on crack, "There ain't nothing going on. I am tired because I had a stupid nervous breakdown last night! I am not doing anything today. So if you thought you were getting laid, you be wrong."

I was caught on 'Nervous breakdown.' She remembered?! She remembered her nervous breakdown so that means she remembered what I promised her. God dammit!

Wait? Why was I so caught up in this promise. I have always been able to go back on my word and not feel guilty about it. That was kinda the point of being a gang member, let alone gang leader. I shouldn't be feeling guilty, especially since I didn't even break the promise yet. What is this chick doing to me?

"I thought you said you don't remember anything from last night." I said slowly; nervously.

"Well, I think I was less high and drunk then. I remember that part, just not the 'make a fool out of myself' part." she specified. She could have said that sooner.

"So, you remember our.... Conversation, last night?" I asked, putting my hand on the back of my neck.

"Yeah.... You're acting really strange. What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked. I think the coffee is working because she was talking in a louder tone, which means she can probably yell and shout. Ah man.

"Nothing. You just said that you didn't remember anything from last night so I asumed that you didn't remember what we talked about either." I said quickly.

Ryan gave me a suspicous look before rolling her eyes and walking away, dropping the subject. Thank god.

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