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Ryans POV

After I left Kents place I went straight home, praying that my father wasn't home. I guess God wasn't on my side today because when I walked through the door I saw my father sitting on the couch watching tv.

When he heard the door shut he turned around and turned the tv off. "Where have you been, and why didn't you go to school?"

I rolled my eyes and set my purse down on the kitchen counter, "Its none of your business where I was. I don't have to tell you anything, and I didn't go to school because I didn't wake up in time, not to mention a little wrapped up." I added that last part just to make him mad.

"Wrapped up?! Wrapped up how?!" he thundered. I smirked. See, I knew he would jump to conclusions.

I didn't even get to answer when he shouted, "You're here three days and you're already whoring around. You are so much like your mother. It's a wonder why I ever loved her when she was the way that she was. The way you are." my father spat, some of it aimed at me and some to himself.

"For your information I wasn't whoring around. I was at a friends house, and he was a good friend last night and he held me when I was a mess. I was a mess because of you. Get the whole story before you start acusing me of things I'm not guilty of! We aren't in a court room Peter!" I shouted in his face.

"You have some respect young lady and don't call me by my first name." he said trying to calm himself down.

"You lost your title as my father when you left the woman who loved you. The woman who was pregnant with your child. You were never a father to me. I've have better conversations with some of moms customers." I said bitterly. But hey, it was true. I would be just leaving when they were and we would talk until we went our separate ways. Some were acually pretty good conversations.

"I left because your mother told me to, Ryan." my father said loud at first, but by the time he said my name it was down to a whisper.

"Excuse me? Did you say that mom told you to leave?" he nodded looking me in the eye. "Why would she do that? She loved you, and she said you didn't want anything to do with me." I was so confused.

"When your mother told me that she was pregnant I was overjoyed. I couldn't have been happier. I proposed to your mother but she turned me down because she knew if she did then she would have to stop living the life she was secretly behind my back." he sighed.

"Your mother was doing drugs and cheating on me behind my back, and I was to blind and in love with her to see it. When I proposed to her she spilled everything, and told me she couldn't leave that life. Kept going on about how she wasn't good enough for me. I tried convincing her but I couldn't. She told me to leave her and the baby alone, so that's what I did. But after a couple years of doing what she asked, I couldn't do it anymore. I had to see you and your mother. I was still in love with her. So on your 6th birthday I surprised you and your mom. Do you remember that?" he asked.

I smiled a little smile and nodded. I thought it was so awesome that he came on my birthday, but I always wondered why he left so soon.

"Well after you were in bed I told your mother that I was going get involved in your life and that I didn't care what she had to say about it. That's why she told you that I left her when she was pregnant because I didn't want you. She didn't want to get hurt everytime she saw me. She knew that if she turned you against me then I wouldn't come around anymore. She also knew that with her problem getting worse and worse, you would most likely want to leave, and if you hated me more than her then there wouldn't be anywhere you could go. She didn't want you to leave because she loved you Ryan."

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