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Liams POV

BANG! "What was that?" Kent asked as he walked to the window. I didn't want to act suspisious or anything so I just stood there, "I have no idea. Maybe someone is taking there trash to the dumpster." I suggested smoothly. Let's hope that Ryan ran the hell out of here.

I know what you're all probably thinking. 'They made a bet, so why isn't Liam bragging that he won it and so soon?' I might be a asshole, and a guy that doesn't give a shit about pretty much anything, but when it comes to Kent..... He's the only thing I really care about. He is the only thing I have that keeps me from going back to prison. If it wasn't for him, I probably would still be there, locked up in a prison cell, waiting to be raped by my gay cell mate.

"Is that....?" Oh fuck. He saw her. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! You've got to be fucking kidding me. "Was that a girl I saw running out of the ally?" he didn't see her face? He didn't see her face! Hell yeah baby!

"Oh yeah. She thought it would be wierd going out the front sorry since you were here. She didn't want to have one of those awkward incounters when you're leaving someones house after sex." I lied. Since this incident has happened before he probably will.

"Oh, okay. Who was it this time?" he asked, smirking. I smirked back and shrugged, "I have no idea. Some chick I picked up outside a bar." See, part of that lie was true. She was a chick I picked up outside a bar.

"You don't even know her name? That's low man. How can you hit on a girl and not even know her name?"

"What can I say, it's a talent of mine. I try to not get emotionally attached to these babes, and if that includes not knowing their names then...." I waves my hand giving the 'There ya go' hand gesture. Kent rolled his eyes at me and walked out of the room.

I checked my clock on my nightside table. Shit! I was going to be late for a deal. I ran around my room and picked out clean cloths and before exsiting the apartment I swiped y leather jacket off the hook- Kent must have put it there- and ran out the door with Kent yelling after me asking me where I was going.

*********Half an Hour Later***********

I standing infront of one of my customers with my arms crossed, looking as threatening as possible. I had a few guys behind me doing the same thing, making this dude cower back. "Wheres the money you own me? I gave you the stuff last week and you didn't have any money, but being the nice guy that I am, I gave it to you anyway and told you to give to the money today or there would be consequences. You DO have the money today, correct?"

Mark-that's his name- was scared. You could see it in his eyes. As scared as he was he tried to look tough, and act like we didn't bother him. I had to give him credit for trying.

"I have half for you today." he said, trying not to sound nervouse. He quickly added, "I can get the rest to you by tomorrow I promise."

With my face still cold and emotionless I said, "Boys, make sure Mark here remembers his promise."

The three guys I had with me grinned as the biggest one of them, Big John, stepped out from behind me. Fear was written all over Marks face as Big John cracked his big, black knuckles.

Before I could see what was going to happen to him I said, "Make sure you don't kill him, and make sure his clothing is still intact, and he can still walk. So leave his legs alone, and his head alone." before turning my back and walking out of the ally. I heard muffled screams as I walked away, begging for the pain to stop. Fear is one of the best ways of getting what you want, when you want it. When people fear you, you basically get to do whatever the hell you want.

Walking down the street I heard my phone going off. I took it out of my jacket pocket and saw that it was Kent calling me.

"What do you want Kent?" I asked I little out of patience. "Youre making a deal aren't you? I thought you would stopthis bullshit. I know you're the leader of that stupid gang, but at least leave it to your dumbass gansters to do the dealing."

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