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Liams POV

I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I couldn't bare to see Ryan like that any more. I hate to addmit it, but it broke my heart to have to tell her a day before I left. Oh my god, am I even cut out to be in the army if I'm becoming this mushy? I don't think I am. That's a good excuse not to go right? Let's just pretend I'm right and move on.

I walked into the apartment and Kent was no where to be found. Where the hell was he? Oh well, it's not like it matters. I just don't give a shit about anything right now.

I walked into my bedroom and slammed the door shut, causing everything on my walls to shake and shudder. I grabbed my huge duffle out of my closet and began to shove t-shirts and wife beaters inside. I threw in a few nice shirts, but I probably will never use them.

After my toothbrush and all my other bathroom stuff was shoved into my bag I closed it and threw in on the floor and kicked it away from me.

With all the rage I could muster up, I slammed my fist into my door. My hand broke right through, but I barely felt any pain. I pulled my hand out from the splintered hole in my door; it still shaking with rage and anger, and looked at it. There were a few cuts, but I knew nothing was broken.

That's when there was a knock at the door. I ignored it and shred off my nice shirt and pants and put on a pair of basketball shorts and went shirtless around the apartment.

There was yet again, another annoying knock from the door. "Go the fuck away!" I yelled at whoever was being annoying. The door opened and in walked a crying Ryan. Damn, I guess I forgot to lock the door.

"What do you want Ryan?" I asked impatiently. My tone seemed to talk Ryan aback a little bit, but she ignored it and apporched me.

"I don't want you to leave." I rolled my eyes at her, "We already established this Ryan. We both know that neither of us want me to leave. Now if that's all," I said motioning to the door.

" No, that's not all. I came here to tell you something. After I tell you I'll leave you alone, and you never have to see me again."

My lips were in a straight line as I walked backwards toward the fridge so I could grab a beer. I popped it open and nodded for Ryan to go on before taking a sip.

"Liam, I love you. I just realized it today, but I think I've loved you for awhile. I don't want you to leave because if you leave, you'll be taking a vital part of me with you. You'll be taking my heart. You broke down my walls, Liam. The walls I have spent years working on building up so nobody could hurt me. I acually have feelings now. I'm not a cold hearted bitch like I was when I first came to New York. You changed me. You helped me through the tough times. Thank you for that." after a second of nobody speaking she looked around and slapped her hands to her thighs awkwardly, "Well, that's what I came here to say. Sorry if I made you feel awkward, I just couldn't let you leave without telling you. Bye Liam."

She turned to walk out but I caught her wrist and pulled her back and let her lips capture mine. Her arms snaked around my neck and she let out a gasp when I bit her bottom lip letting me inside her mouth.

Our tounges danced together as they have many times before. My hands travled to her sexy ass and without breaking the kiss, Ryan jumped into my arms. I walked with her in my arms to my bedroom and kicked the door shut behind me.

Ryan wiggled her way out of my grasp and pushed me onto the bed. She straddled my waist and brought her lips back to mine. Her hand ran up and down my abdomen and I let out a grown. Damn she was good at foreplay.

Before I knew it we both had our cloths off, and we both entered a night of pain and pleasure.

I woke up at 3:00 in the morning because my flight left at 6:30. I rolled over expecting to see Ryan but instead I rolled onto a piece of paper.

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